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"As the four girls walk over to Ultraseven they start to feel uneasy, and for good reason to, because they have never seen anything like this."

Yang:"Do you think its dangerous?."

Ruby:"How should I know Yang?, we've never seen anything like this, who knows if he's dangerous or not."


Weiss:"Ruby how do you know this thing is a guy?."

Blake:"For all we know, he could some kind of new weapon created by the white fang." 

Weiss:"Yeah, also, what's this giant boomerang like thing on his head!?."

Yang:"It looks like it's could cut down this entire forest."

Blake:"Or worse, the entire planet!."

Yang:"I say we destroy him right here and right now!."

"Yang ready's her Ember Celica and points them at Sevens head." 

"Yang shoots his head."

"Seven immediately wakes up and jumps to his feet."


"Yang jumps back"

"Seven looks down at the four girls, he then readys his eye slugger."

"Ruby,Yang,Weiss, and Blake all duck in fear."

"Seven then stops himself from using his eye slugger."

Seven:"Sorry little ones."

Seven:"Where are my manners?."

Seven (in his head):"I guess I lost them from that fall."

Yang:"Who...who are you?."

Seven:"My name is...."

"Seven looks down and see's that the four girls are a bit to scared to listen."

Seven:"Hold on."

"Seven shrinks and transforms into his human form."

"The four girls look at Seven in amazement."

Blake:"How did you....?."

Seven:"This is what I look like as a human being."


Dan:"My real name is Ultraseven, but my name is also Dan moroboshi, its nice to meet you four lovely lady's"

Ruby:"Oh thank you dan, My name is Ruby rose, the one with yellow hair is my sister, Yang, the one with white hair is Weiss, and the one with cat ears is Blake."

Dan:"Cat ears?."

Blake:"Oh, no that's just a hair bow."

Yang (in her head):"This Dan guy is kind of cute."

Weiss:"You look really handsome."

Dan:"Come again?."

"Weiss hand Dan a mirror."


"Dan looks in to the mirror and sees this young handsome devil staring back, ultras guard vest and all."

Dan:":(To him self) What the

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Dan:":(To him self) What the....Im young again....but how?."

"Dan gives Weiss her mirror back."

Dan:"Where am I?."

Yang:"This is the planet Remnant."

Dan:"Remnant eh?."

Ruby:"Uhh Dan, your not...dangerous or anything, right?."

Dan:"Don't worry Ruby, I won't hurt you."

"Bemstar roar"

"Dan and team RWBY turned around to see Bemstar landing about a mile from them."

"Music starts here" 

Dan:"That thing on the other hand!!."


Dan:"Ruby stay away from that thing!!."


"Bemstar roar"

Dan:"Girl's, run!!!!"

"Team RWBY and Dan start to run away from the rampaging space bird."

Dan:"GIRl'S, WAIT!!."

"The five stop running because a pack of Beowolf is right in front of where they need to run."

Dan:"Ok lets go the other way!."

"However, that plan backfires as well when they turn around only to see Bemstar right in front of them."

Yang:"uh oh."

Dan:"Were trapped!."

"Stop music here."

To be continued..

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT"Where stories live. Discover now