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Yang:"Hey Dan, what you doing?."

Dan:"Yang, do you know where your boyfriend is?."

Yang:"If your looking for Daigo, he's still in his dorm room."

Dan:"Really, ok, thank you Yang."

Yang:"Hey no problem."

"Dan walks to Daigo's room."

Dan:"(Knocks on Daigo's door) Daigo, what are you up to?."

Daigo:"Hang on, don't come in Dan."

Dan:"Daigo, you're supposed to be in class, now I'm going to give you to the count of three to open this door!."

Daigo:"Oh give me a break old man!."

Dan:"Old man?, did you just call me an old man?!!."

Daigo:"Yeah, so what?."

Dan:"I'll have you know that what ever happened to me on the night I met team RWBY, made me younger."

Daigo:"Just give me a minute, ok!."

Dan:"Ok Daigo, I warned you!!."

"Dan gets a running start, and charges at Daigo's door, knocking it open."

"Dan looks up at Daigo, and his face charges from an expression of anger to an expression of confusion."

Dan:"Daigo, what's with the prom dress?."

Daigo:"You didn't hear, it's prom night tonight."

Dan:"It is?."

Daigo:"Yeah silly, how did you not know?."

Dan:"I don't really keep up with stuff like that."

Daigo:"Yeah I can't wait."

Dan:"let me guess, you're going with Yang?."


Dan:"I wish I could attend."

Daigo:"You can if you want Dan."

Dan:"Yeah but, I'm supposed to be on duty tonight."

Daigo:"Don't worry about it Dan, Hayata agreed to be on duty tonight."

Dan:"He did?."

Daigo:"Come on Seven, you deserve to relax."

Dan:"Ok, I'll attend prom, but not changing my dress, I'm fine with my ultra's guard outfit!."

Daigo:"Ok Dan, it starts at 6:30 p.m."

Dan:"Don't worry Daigo, I'll be there on time."

"Dan arrived at 7:00 p.m."

Ruby:"Dan, you finally arrived!."

Dan:"Sorry I'm late, I just spent an hour making some Katsudon."

Weiss:"You brought some food, aww Dan, that's sweet of you."

Dan:"Thank you Weiss, oh by the way, you four look fabulous!."

Yang:"Thank you, also Dan, do you ever wash your ultra's guard outfit?."

Dan:"Yes, every single night, well almost every night."

Daigo:"Dan, you made it!."

"Dan turns around and greets team MHTH."

Dan:"Ahh, team MHTH, how are you guys doing tonight?."

Gamu:"We're doing ok."

Musashi:"So far the prom hasn't been to crazy."

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