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"Dan along with Mirai, Goh, Gamu and the rest of his friends were having breakfast with team RWBY, talking and sharing stories of things that happend to them in the past."


Hayata:"Yeah, insted of my beta capsule, I pulled out a spoon."

"Everybody starts laughing"

Ruby:"Oh, one time I hit my head so hard I couldnt tell the difference between Blake and Zwei."

"Everybody stares at Ruby"


Daigo:"Hey, Hayata, if one more student arives, I could create a team."

Dan:"That is true Tiga."

Hayata:"Quiet, look whats on the news."

"Hayata as well as everyone else, looks over at the tv to see what's on the news."

Reporter:"And in other news, Astronimers have discovered a large comet called comet 24 last night, they have calculated that it's heading straight in the direction of Remnant, even more disturbing is that they say there is an 85% chance that it is on a collision course with Remnant, if this is true, than comet 24 will annnihilate all life on Remnant."

"Hayata gets up, and looks at team RWBY, who all have worried looks on their face's" 

Hayata:"Hey..come on, don't be scared."

Ruby:"But...Hayata, you heard what he said, an 85% chance."

Hayata:"Yes but...Ruby, even if it is heading towards Remnant, its still going to be very far away from us."

Ruby:"Are you sure?."

Hayata:"Ruby, Im sure."

Takishi:"Yeah, and if it is headed directly twords Remnant, we can just shoot it, or try to change its course."


Reporter:"We interupt this program to bring you some more news on comet 24, astronimers have calculated the comet's course, and are now saying that it is not on a collision course with Remanat,"

"Everybody chears" 

Reporter:"However, they are sayng that it will pass incredibly close to Remnant, and that people should seek shelter when it approaches."

Hayata:"Well..that's better then it hitting Remnant."

Reporter:"They also say that people will be able to see comet 24 when it passes."

"Start music here"

"That night, every single kingdom on Remnant was on the look out for comet 24."

"Team's RWBY, and JNPR, as well as Dan along with his friends, were on one of the roof tops of the school looking out for the comet."

Dan:"I don't see it."

Pyrrha:"Me either."

Ruby:"I cant see anything in these binoculars."

Yang:"Wait...oh nevermind, I thought I saw it."

Weiss:"Well Keep looking for it."

Nora:"Is it really as big as it's said to be."

Hayata:"Yes, from what i've heard, its massave."

Blake:"Wait..I SEE IT!!."

"If music is still going, end it here"

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT"Where stories live. Discover now