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"It was late at night but team RWBY and team MHTH were all in the gym."

Daigo:"Hey Musashi, why are you not exercising."

Ruby:"Yeah, you wanted to come down here"

Musashi:"I only came because Weiss is down here."

"Hayata walks in to the gym"

Hayata:"What are you eight doing down here?."

Yang:"We couldn't sleep." 

Dan:"So you came down to the gym?."

Blake:"Yeah, Why not?."

Hayata:"Havent you ever heard of a midnight walk?."

Mirai:"Oh Hayata, where's Neos?."

Dan:"Oh he's just sleeping in the guest room until more students arive, then we can get him a team."  

Gamu:"Oh, thats nice."

Hayata:" (Yawns) Dont you all be up to late."

Team RWBY and Team MHTH:"We won't."

Dan:"Ok, good night."

"Hayata and Dan walk out of the gym, and leave the two teams alone in the gym."

"Ten minutes later"


Blake:"Wow Ruby, im inpresed, you did one thousand pull ups, im still on eight hundred."

Mirai(to himself):"Damn, this Ruby is one hot girl."

Ruby:"(WHEW) That was a good workout."

Daigo:"Ruby, be quiet."

Ruby:"Hey, why are you telling me to be quiet, im letting you foucus."

Daigo:"No, just be quiet."

Team RWBY and MHTH all quiet down and listen for the noise Daigo was talking about, They then here footsteps, they all get their weapons out, as they do that, they here someone talk."

????:"Oh shame, I cant surprise you now."

Ruby:"Surprise us?, who are you, where are you?."

????:"Turn around."

"Ruby turns around and gets a fist to the face, when she turns back around she see's the person, or the alien who hit her" 


Daigo:"ITS DADA!!."

Ruby:"Dada, that things your dad?."




Ruby:"Guys run!!."

"Start music here"

"The two groups run out of the gym, only to incounter another Dada, but this one has blue eyes."

Yang:"Run the other way."

"They try to run the other way, but run in to a third Dada with yellow eyes."


"The three Dada's surround the two teams."

Yang:"Were trapped."

Mirai:"I can handle these three."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT"Where stories live. Discover now