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"Ide and Dan tell everybody how they both fixed Penny."

Dan:"So, I was looking for some place where I could bring Penny to fix her."

"Flashback starts"

Dan:"I was getting tired of holding her body, legs, and left arm, so I just gave up looking and tried to fix her myself."

Dan:"Come on, how come im not that good at fixing things?." 

????:"Maybe I can help."

"Dan looks around for the man who said that."

Dan:"Who's there?, show your self."

"A man in some kind of cloak walked out from the shadows."

Dan:"Who are you?."

????:"Dont worry Seven."


"The man takes off his cloak, and reveal's himself."

Dan:"Your Mitsuhiro Ide, of the science patrol."

Ide:"Thats right."

Dan:"But, how can that be, you look like you did in 1966."

Ide:"Lets not worry about that."

Dan:"Wait, you want to help me fix Penny?."


Dan:"You really mean that?."

Ide:"Yes, now let me see what we got here."

Ide:"Hmm, Dan is there some way I can turn her back on?"

Dan:"I don't know, take a look."


"Ide feels around on Penny's upper body, and finds a small button."

Ide:"Hmmm,I wonder what this dose?."

"Ide presses it, causing Penny to turn right back on."


"Dan jumps back"


Penny"What happend where am I, who are you, where's Dan?."

Dan:"Penny, im right here."

Penny:"Dan,Who is this man?."

Dan:"Penny, Ide...Ide, Penny."

Penny:"Oh, its nice to meet you Ide."

"Penny shakes Ide's hand with the hand thats still atached to her body."

Ide:"So, your an android?."


Ide:"Where were you built?."



"Ide stops fixing her and turns towards Dan."

Ide:"Dan, what happend to her"

Dan:"Lets just say a friend..did this to her."

Ide:"Some friend."

Dan:"Just fix her Ide."

Ide:"Ok, let me see, all right Penny this might hurt a little bit." 

Penny:"Ide, im an robot, im pretty sure I cant feel paiaAAAAAN!!"


Yang:"Wait, Ide, how did you manage to hurt a robot?."

"Flashback stops"

Ide:"I don't know how I did that."

Ruby:"(quietly snickers)."

Weiss:"Just..continue the story ok."

"Flashback starts again"

Ide:"So, I got right back to fixing Penny."

Dan:"Come on Ide, I thought you were the S.S.S.P's mechanic."

Ide:"No, i'm their scientist."

Dan:"All right just... move over Ide."

Ide:"No, it's all right, I got this."

"Ide gets her left leg reattached to her body."

Ide:"nearly done Dan."

"Ide then attaches her right arm, and then her right leg, after reattaching all her limbs, Ide then welds them together"."

Ide:"There we go, good as new."

"Penny gets up, and walk around for a little bit."

Penny:"Thank you Ide."

Ide:"Oh, no problem."

"Flashback ends"

Weiss:"Wow..That..was..really hard to follow Ide, and not to be rude, but I barely beleved a word of it." 

Penny:"All that really happened Weiss."

Dan:"So, Yang, you want to tell us how Xan helped you escape the Godora seijin."

Yang:"Well, prepare yourselves for..geez, probably a..hour and a half long story."

Nora:"Well hang on Yang, I just want to get some food first."

Daigo:"Me to, hold on Nora, don't take everything."

Nora:"To late."

"So Yang told everybody how a Xan helped her escape the Godora, and she was right, her story did take an hour and a half long to tell, because her team was fast asleep."

Yang:"Um, guys."


Yang:"Did any of you even here any of the story?."

"As Yang asked, Ruby fell right back to sleep."

Yang:"Forget it."

"Meanwhile back at the Godora's ship."

Godora#2:"I got some skin from five female student's,Weiss, Blake, Ruby, Nora, and Pyrrha."

Godora#3:"And we got some of Yangs skin as well."

Godora#1:"Exellent, now we can create six Godora/human hybrids."

Godora#3:"The master will be proud."

To be continued...

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