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Dan:"I don't know what it is about the rain and lightning that makes most nights beautiful, don't you ever get that feeling Yang?, Yang?."

"Dan turns around and sees Yang covering her head with her pillow."

Dan:"Hey, what's wrong Yang?."

Yang:"The lightning, I don't like it."

Dan:"Yang, you want to know a way to not be afraid of the lightning?."


Dan:"Well all you have to do us wait for the lightning, and when you see it, count up, and when you hear the thunder, you stop, and the number that you counted to is how far away the lightning is."

Yang:"Hmm, maybe I should try that sometime."

Dan:"Yeah, it's really effective."

Yang:"Also, why do we have to share our room with you?."

  Dan:"Why do you ask?."

Yang:"I just want to know why?."

Dan:"Well seeing that there aren't any guest rooms, Ozpin said that I you should share your room with me."


Dan:"Alright, try to get some sleep kiddo."

Yang:"Alright, good night Dan."

Dan:"Good night Yang."

"The next morning."

Dan:"Well Blake, you're up early, any reason why?."

Blake:"Because me and Gamu are going to my homeland, to see what my parents think about me and Gamu seeing each other."

Dan:"Oh ok."

Sun wukong:"Oh come on Blake, this Gamu guy is a dweeb."

Blake:"Sorry Sun but Gamu's more calm than you."

Sun:"What..I'm handsome."

Blake:"Sun I didn't say that.....ok you're both handsome guys, I'm just saying that he's more calm than you."

Gamu:"Alright Blake, I'm ready!."

Blake:"Ok I'll be there in a minute Gamu!."

"Blake walks away from Sun."

Sun:"Oh come on, that's not even fair!."

Dan:"I know how you feel Sun."

"Gamu and Blake head towards the docks in the city."

Gamu:"Wait, we're talking a luxury ship to Menagerie?."

Blake:"Why do you ask, are you afraid of the water."

Gamu:"No it's not that, it's are we going to pay for this, we're not Millionaires!."

Blake:"Don't worry about it Gamu, my father's the ruler of Menagerie, I'm sure they won't ask us to pay."

"Gamu and Blake board the ship."

Blake:"Also, this isn't going to be a quick trip, it'll take a few days."

"After five days, they arrived at Menagerie."

Blake:"Gamu, welcome to the land of the faunus."


Blake:"Isn't it?."

Gamu:"So where do you live?."

Blake:"I'll show you."

"Twenty seconds later."

Gamu:"Is this you're home?."

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