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"After the defeat of Mokian, Dan, Hayata and Ozpin decided that team RWBY and MHTH to take it easy for a few weeks."

Yang:"Why does Dan think we need to relax?."

Ruby:"Well we did just take out a asteroid sized monster Yang, so maybe we do deserve a few weeks off."


"Meanwhile in team MHTH's dorm room."

Daigo:"Wow I can't believe that Dan said we can have a few weeks off."

Mirai:"Well we did just take down an asteroid sized monster."

Gamu:"You know, I think that deserves a drink."

"Just as Gamu was going to take a can of soda out of the freezer, someone knocks on the door."

Musashi:"I wonder who that could be."

"Gamu opens the door and sees Nora and Pyrrha standing there."

Gamu:"Oh hi Nora and Pyrrha."

Nora:"Hi Gamu, how are you doing?."

Gamu:"Oh not much, you."

Pyrrha:"So, Dan and Ozpin said that you don't have to go to your classes for a few weeks."


Nora:"It's not fair."

Mirai:"Hey Nora, when you take out a world ending monster, maybe you'll get to take a few weeks off."

Pyrrha:"Please, forgive Nora,she's been a little bit grumpy this week."

Nora:"Uhh guy's!."

Daigo:"Yes Nora?."

Nora:"Look outside."

"Daigo and his team all go up to the window, and are shocked when they see an old enemy."

"Salamandora roar mixed with an Ursa roar"


"Daigo looks to the other side."

Daigo:"Well we don't have to worry, because it looks like Nexus is going to fight Salamandora."

"Start music here"

"Nexus rams himself into Salamandora Grimm."

"Salamandora roar mixed with an Ursa roar"

"Salamandora Grimm spits a large fire ball at Nexus."

Nexus:"Oh no you don't!."

"Nexus changes to his Junis blue mode and deflects the fire back to Salamandora."

Daigo:"Come on Komon, you got this!."

Ruby:"Don't let that nasty monster get the best of you Nexus!."

"Nexus changes to his Junis red mode."

"Salamandora roar mixed with an Ursa roar"

"Just as Nexus was about to use his Over-ray schtrom, he was blasted by three fire balls."

"Stop music here"


Ruby:"What happened?."

Yang:"Over there!."

"Yang points to a portal."

Blake:"Look, something's coming out of it!."

"Daigo looks towards the portal, and sees a monster that Nexus wishes he would never have to see again."

"Galberos roar mixed with a Beowolf roar."

Mirai:"IT'S GALBEROS!!."

"Galberos Grimm and Salamandora Grimm stomp towards Nexus, both ready to attack when he makes the first move."

Ruby:"NEXUS, GET UP!!."

"Start music here"

"Nexus tries to get up, but he is overpowered by Salamandora Grimm and Galberos Grimm."

"Galberos Grimm grabs Nexus, and holds him still for Salamandora Grimm to so that he can spit fire at Nexus."


"Daichi watches in anger as Nexus is mercilessly thrown to the ground."

Daichi:"X, UNITE!!."

X:"Alright, let's go!."

"Stop music here"

"Galberos Grimm was just about to give the finishing blow to Nexus, but Ultraman X took his chance away by kicking his middle head."

"Galberos roar mixed with a Beowolf roar"

X :"Nexus, are you alright?."

Nexus:"Don't worry X, I'm fine!."

"X and Nexus look at Galberos Grimm and Salamandora Grimm."

Nexus:"Now X!."

"Start music here"

"Nexus and X run at the two monsters."

"Galberos Grimm spits three fire balls at Nexus."

X:"Nexus look out!."

"Nexus ducks as the fire balls fly over him."

X:"Nexus, hold them off for as long as you can!."


"Nexus runs up to Galberos Grimm and Salamandora Grimm."

"Galberos Grimm bites Nexus in the shoulder."


"Galberos roar mixed with a Beowolf roar"


"X jumps out, apparently he was preparing his Exceed X mode."

X:"Lets see how these two handle my Xlugger!."

"X uses the Xlugger shot an both of the monsters."

"Galberos roar mixed with a Beowolf roar"

"Salamandora roar mixed with an Ursa roar"

"Salamandora Grimm was the first to die, Galberos Grimm was weakened by the Xlugger shot."

"Nexus and X blast Galberos with their specium rays."

"Galberos Grimm gives one final roar before he is blown to bits."

"Galberos roar mixed with a Beowolf roar"


Daigo:"Thank you Komon, and you to Daichi."

"Nexus and X face each other, and as a thank you, they shake each other's hands."

"Stop music here"

To be continued...

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