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"Hayata runs towards the dorm rooms of teams RWBY, MHTH, and KORZ with some thing urgent to tell them."

Hayata:"I hope I can reach them in time."

"Hayata sees the three teams walking down the hall way."

Hayata:"Thank god I found them."

Ruby:"Oh, good morning Hayata."

Hayata:"Not now Ruby, I have something to tell the twelve of you."

Genki:"What is it Hayata?."

Hayata:"Two monsters were sighted in the city of Vale."

Weiss:"Where did they apperer?!."

Hayata:"From the ocean, come along for the ride if you want."

Ruby:"All right, lets go guys!."

"Start music here"

Dan:"Blake, Yang, wait up!."

Yang:"What is it Dan?."

Dan:"I want to come along!."

Blake:"You sure Dan?."


Daigo:You sure?."

Dan:"Yes Daigo, I'm 100% sure!!."

Yang:"(giggles) All right, get on."

Dan:"Thank you."

"Meanwhile in the city, Takishi, Gen, Goh, and Ide are evacuating the people."

Gen:"When are they getting here?."

Takishi:"Leo, don't worry, they will be here soon."

Ide:"Or maybe right now, look!."

"They all look up and see guts wing #1 and #2 fly into view."

Daigo:"I see the monsters up ahead!."

Dan:"Ahh, good, what do they look like?."

Yang:"Ones a bat and ones a reptile."


"Stop music here"

"Dan walks up to the front of the ship and looks out the front window, and sees the two monsters."

"Peguila roar"

"Bemular roar"

Dan:"All right, open fire!!."

"Start music here"

Yang:"Yes sir, Daigo tell the others that wer'e ready."

Daigo:"Already did that Yang."

Yang:"Alright, let's do this."

Daigo:"Ide added a new weapon to the ship, let's try it out."

Yang:"Good idea."

"Daigo presses a few buttons, and then tells Yang to look out the other side to see if it activated."

Yang:"Yep I see the new weapon Ide added."


"They fire the weapon and get three direct hits on the two."

ULTRASEVEN + RWBY "THE KAIJU WAR OF REMNANT"Where stories live. Discover now