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"Dan moroboshi, Daigo madoka, and Takeshi yamato (Ultraman 80's human form) rush team RWBY to the Hospital in the city of vale, and eventually they ran right into two members of team JNPR, Nora valkyrie, and Pyrrha nikos."

"Dan runs right in to Pyrrha."

Pyrrha:"OW, watch where your going!."

Dan:"Oh, im sorry ma'am, Hey, do you happen to know if there's a hospital around here?."

"Pyrrha looks at Daigo, and sees that he's carrying Yang and Ruby."


"Nora looked up at Takishi and sees that he's carrying Weiss, then she looks at Dan, and sees him Carrying Blake."

Nora:"They look like were bitten multiple times by beowolf."

Takeshi:"That's why we need a hospital, is there one around here?"

Pyrrha:"Yes, follow us."

"Dan, Daigo, and Takishi follow Nora and Pyrrha to the hospital."

"When they got there the doctors take the girls so they could be taken care of"

Dan:"Wait up!."

"Dan follows the doctors to where they were bringing Ruby and her team."

Takishi:"Seven, where are you going?."

Dan"Where does it look like im going, im going to go visit the girls and see how their doing."

Takishi:"Oh.. ok, tell them I said hi."

"Three hours later"

"Yang regains consciousness and wakes up to see Dan sitting near her bed, smiling."

Dan:"Hey kiddo, how do you feel?."

Yang:"I actually feel all right, you?."

Dan:"The doctors said that the four of you healed quite quickly."

"Yang pauses, then she looks at the arm and leg she got bitten on, there were no teeth marks where they should have been."


Dan:"Im not sure Yang."

Yang:"That's weird."

Dan:"The doctor says that the four of you can leave when ever you want."

Yang:"Oh, ok."

"So team RWBY, Nora,Pyrrha, Dan, and Takishi leave the hospital, and as the exit the building they start to see people running and screaming as the city behind them burns."

"Start music here"

Dan:"80, what do you make of this?."

Takishi:"Im not sure what's going on right now Seven."

Ruby:"Is it the white fang?."

"Suddenly the smoke clears and then Dan, Daigo, and Takishi see a familiar invader and hear an all to familiar laugh."

"Alien Baltan laugh"

Dan:"The Baltans!!."

Takishi:"Damn it, not these guys again!."

Yang:"The what?."

Dan:"I'll explain later Yang. 80, Tiga, are you guys ready!."


Daigo:"Way ahead of you." 

"Dan puts on his ultra eye, Daigo uses his spark lens, and Takishi transforms in to Ultraman 80."

Nora:"Let us help."

Seven:"Ruby, you and your friends take care of the small ones, me,Tiga,and 80 will take care of the big one." 

"Stop music here"

Ruby:"Wait.....the big one"

"Suddenly a baltan the size of a skyscraper appears, laughing as it does."

"Start music here"



"Seven, Tiga, and 80 run at the giant Baltan while the six girls go to attack the smaller ones, Nora gets three with her Manhild, Pyrrha hits five of them with Miro and Aquo, Ruby uses her Crescent rose on five of the Baltan's, Blake uses her Gambol shroud on four of them, Weiss uses her Myrtenaster to stab two at the same time, and yang uses her Ember celica and gets five of them with a billet to each of their brains, The big baltan put up a fight but was easily killed by Seven, 80, and Tiga."

"Stop music here"

Yang:"This Was really easy, I dont know why seven made it look like they were so hard to take out."


"Start music here"

"Yang turns around and sees the baltan's they all just killed, get right back up with the courpse of the last one, just vanishing into thin air."


Yang:"Well thanks for telling us now Dan!!."

"One of the Baltans fired a lightning like beam from his claw which almost hit Yang."

Weiss:"LOOK OUT!!."

"Blake tries to block the lightning with her Gambol shroud, But all it does is send electricity through her body, causing her to drop her weapon in pain."

Ruby (to her self):"Wait a minute."

Ruby:"Hey guys, I have an idea!!."

Yang:"What is it Ruby?."

Ruby:"lead that Baltan over to Nora."

Pyrrha:"Oh...I see."

"Ruby and the four other girls get the attention of the Baltan with the lightning beams, which got him to chase them around, when Ruby and Yang passed Nora, the baltan shot a lightning beam that missed Ruby and the other four girls, and hit Nora instead, then Ruby lost her balance and tripped, which caused the four other girls to trip over Ruby, then the Baltans approach Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Pyrrha, the Baltan with the lightning beams got ready to kill the five girls, however he was interrupted when he heard the sound of one of his comrades getting electrocuted and smashed into bits,he turns around only to see Nora's hammer hit him right in the face, knocking him right to the ground, Nora continued to beat the Baltans by launching them into space with her hammer, eventually the Baltan with the lightning got back up and tried to escape, but Nora grabbed him by his legs and started to swing him around and around, then throwing him into space where he was suddenly cut in half by an unknown force, however that force turned out to be someone Seven, Tiga, and 80 knew."

Seven:"Is that who I think it is!?."

80:"It is, it's Mebius."

Mebius:"Ahh, my brothers, it's been a while."

"If music is still going, stop it here."

To be continued...

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