- CHAPTER 26 -

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While Suga was sleeping, he accidentally hit Erin's knee that has a cut.

"Damn it!" She groaned causing for her friends to look at her, except Suga who's still asleep.

"Why? Why? What happened?" Soobin asked and rushed towards Erin.

Erin lifted her pants and sighed when she saw the cut bleeding again. "Oh my gosh! Get the first aid kit!" Irene began to panic.

Bambam is the one to get the first aid kit downstairs. "Where did you get this cut?!" Soobin asked, worried.

"When we saved your friends and the other artists in front of Big Hit." She said.

"Why didn't you went to the hospital?!" Irene asked, almost yelling.

"Bogum treated that on his girlfriend's cafe, and he is a nurse. And that cut just bleed because Suga hit it so bad." She explained.

"Wake up!" Irene hit Suga's arm, so Suga wake up.

"What the fvck?! You're waking me up for the second time already!" He yelled.

"You hit Erin's cut!" Irene yelled back.

Suga's eyes widened and looked at Erin's bleeding knee. "Oh fvck, I'm so so so so sorry."

"It's fine---"

"FINE?! THAT MIGHT CAUSE AN INFECTION!" Irene yelled with her speaker voice.

Bambam came and handed Soobin the first aid kit, Soobin tried to treat it. But, it really kept on bleeding.

"I-i can't stop it anymore! L-let's bring her to the hospital." Soobin immediately carried Erin a bridal style.

· ˙ · * · ˙ · * · ˙ ·

"Hello?" Suho answered after an unknown number called him.

"Hyung! It's me, Soobin." Soobin introduced while walking back and forth in front of the emergency room.

"Oh? Soobin. Why did you call?" Suho asked and smiled.

"I-it's about Erin, she's here at a hospital..."

When Soobin gave Suho the address, he immediately ended the phone call and grabbed his car key.

He went inside the car and drove towards the hospital that Soobin told him.

When Suho arrived, he immediately went to the emergency room and saw Erin's friends outside.

"What happened?" Suho asked, worried.

"H-her cut, someone accidentally hit it. We tried to stop the bleeding, but we can't." Soobin explained.

"W-what? C-cut?" He asked, confused.

"You didn't knew about the cut?" Irene asked, all of Erin's friends were frowning.

"N-no." Suho answered.

She really doesn't want Suho to worry, huh? Soobin thought and smiled bitterly before he looked down on the floor.

"Her knee got a cut when she saved you in front of Big Hit." Bambam said and Suho froze, so the drops of blood on the floor back then was hers? He thought.

The door of the emergency room opened and Erin was sitting on a wheel chair, while the nurse was pushing the wheel chair.

Before Soobin could approach Erin, Suho was the first one to do it. "A-are you okay now?" Suho asked.

Erin was surprised to see Suho there, she nodded. "Yeah, push this thing."

Suho immediately obeyed as the nurse let go of the wheel chair. "You can start walking after a week." The nurse said.

"I can walk in just 3 days." Erin mumbled, Suho just shhhh her causing for Erin to roll her eyes.

"Thank you." Suho said and bowed slightly to the nurse before the nurse went back inside the emergency room.

"Thanks for bringing her here, we will go now." Suho said to Erin's friends.

"Yah! What about my motor?" Erin asked Suho.

"I'll bring it to your condo." Suga volunteered, since he knew that he's the reason why Erin's knee bleed again.

"Okay, thanks." Erin said before Suho pushed the wheel chair because Erin gestured him.

· ˙ · * · ˙ · * · ˙ ·

"A-am I allowed to carry you?" Suho nervously asked Erin.

"Stupid, of course." Erin said and rolled her eyes.

Suho pouted and carried Erin a bridal style as he transfer her to the wheel chair.

He closed the door of the car and pushed Erin's wheel chair. They were both silent until they reached Erin's room.

"Call me when you need something." Suho said after he successfully transferred Erin to her bed.

Suho was about to leave her room when Erin suddenly said...

"What if you're the one that I need?"

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