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- "I'll go out for a moment" - said Mrs. Rojnapat as she picked up her purse and put on the hat that she had left next to the door as soon as she arrived at the apartment - "really ... I do not know how you manage to survive, you and Aura, with what you have in the fridge. if there are only bottles of milk and some bread that is about to expire! "

Arthit sighed.

- "I have not had time to buy anything ... work takes up most of my day and then there's Aura. I do not ..."

The woman, however, shook her head as she turned towards the young man who, still sitting at the table, was taking the last piece of an apple and bringing it to his lips.

- "Son, you can not go on like this ..." - said the woman while looking at the slight dark circles under the man's eyes and the tired face he also had - "it is not good neither for you nor for my granddaughter".

- "But..."

- "Maybe ... maybe you should think about looking for another job" - commented the woman with a thin voice- "something that... that would leave you more free time".

Arthit said nothing.

After all, he knew that his mother was saying that for his own good but...

"She fears that I will fall again ... that I will let alcohol control me once again", the young man told himself while looking sideways at the bag where, clearly, the empty beer bottles could still be seen, "and ... I have to admit that I've only been giving her more reasons to worry. "

- "I ... I'll think about it" - he murmured finally, making a bright smile appear on the woman's face.

- "That's the only thing I ask, that you'll think about it" - answered Mrs. Rojnapat as she opened the door and made a gesture of farewell.

A few seconds later she had left, leaving Arthit completely alone and under the control of his own thoughts.

"Leave it all..."

"Leave the company and ... and Kong".

The truth was that part of him was completely in agreement with his mother.


Without a doubt it would be the best thing for him, but ...

The young man let out a sigh and, with a sad gesture, got up from the chair and approached one of the dresser drawers.

A drawer where he was keeping his memories ... and also his secrets.

Carefully, he pulled the key from inside one of his pants pockets and opened the lock.

There were the packages, the photographs, and several of the gifts that Kongpob had given him during the time they had been together.

Arthit smiled as he took out a small case where he kept the bracelet he had given the young man, so many years ago.

Arthit smiled as he took out a small case where he kept the bracelet he had given the young man, so many years ago

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