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Kongpob left the building with a frown on his handsome face.

After all, since he had gone out of his office, he had started noticing  how his employees were watching him with curious looks and slight smiles on their faces

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After all, since he had gone out of his office, he had started noticing  how his employees were watching him with curious looks and slight smiles on their faces.

"I must be the gossip of the day ...", he said to himself as he let out a slight sigh.

The truth was that, when he had devised his plan, he had not thought about how others would react nor ... what was worse ... his parents. The couple, not even five minutes after the start of the sales of that damm magazine, had called him quite angry.

- "Son, who is that girl?" - they had asked with a furious tone of voice - "Don't tell us she is another of your lovers?!"


No doubt those photographs, as the rest of the plan, had not been as good idea as he had initially thought. Especially now that Namtarn had revealed to him that she was in love with him.

"How did I not notice it?!" the young man asked himself while walking towards the car that was parked in his private parking lot, "How did I not see that Nam felt something for me?!

Maybe what the girl had told him last night was true.

And he had not wanted to see it.


- "N ... no .." - Kong mumbled after separating his lips from Namtarn's - "I can not continue with this".

The girl, still sitting on Kongpob's legs, smiled sensually as she reached down to the young man's pants and started to undo them.

- "Come on Kong ... I know you want me as much as I want for you to make love to me. You can not fool me ... not with this" - she said as she slid a finger over the bulge that was beginning to rise under the pants of kongpob.

He, however, shook his head while, with a sudden movement, pushed the girl away from him.

Namtarn, frowning, sat up on the side of the sofa where she had ended up falling after Kong's push.

- "Kongpob!"

- "No ... I can not" - he said again as he got up and walked away from the sofa and the girl as if his life depended of  it.

Namtarn growled under her breath as, without realizing it, clenched her fists tightly.

- "It's because of Arthit, right?"

Kong turned towards her, looking at the girl's face and especially her eyes which were beginning to fill with tears.

- "I..."

- "It's because you still love him that you're rejecting me!" - exclaimed the young woman with a stronger, harder tone of voice - "despite everything he did to you, cheating on you in the worst way, you ... YOU ... HOW CAN YOU LOVE HIM?!"

Kongpob ran a hand through his hair in a clear gesture of impotence.

- "I can not help it!" -  he finally replied while throwing at the girl an imploring look - "I can not control what I feel!".

The young woman growled again as she took a cushion and threw it to the other side of the room.

- "He cheated on you, he slept with someone else ... he married her after getting her pregnant!" - Nam said while keeping her eyes fixed on the cushion that was now lying on the floor - "and you... you still love him and stay faithful to him!".

- "Nam ..."

 The girl's lips parted with a slight giggle that ended in several sobs.

- "And .. the worst part ... the worst part is that I  have always known that.." - the girl whispered - "that I had no chance with you but ..."

A change with me?

"Do not tell me that she ...", Kongpob told himself as he paled completely.

The young woman, noticing his expression, laughed again.

- "You had not even noticed it..." - she commented while shaking her head - "although I suppose it is normal ... after all, in your mind there is only one person ... Arthit".

- "I..."

However, the young woman got up from the sofa and, with a trembling smile, approached Kongpob to place a hand on his arm.

- "Do not worry, Kong" - said the girl with a sad tone - "I know ... I know that you need time to think about all this ... I just hope that, whatever your decision would be, we can continue to be the same old friends we have always been so... please, do not treat me differently now that you know ... "

Kongpob immediately shook his head. After all, that was never going to happen since, regardless of what had happened that night, Nam was still his friend. His best friend.

The young woman smiled, then checked her wristwatch.

- "It's late ... if you do not mind, I'll stay in the guest room."

And without further ado, she went towards  one of the closed doors of the apartment, leaving Kong completely alone and with an endless number of questions in his mind.


As soon as the door closed behind her, Namtarn dropped to the floor of the room.

- "He still loves him" - she whispered in a tremulous voice - "he ... he is still in love with him".

And what did you expect?

For him to have forgotten Arthit already?

If all this stupid revenge is just an attempt to get his attention!

To make Arthit regret what he did and ... maybe ... win him back!

- "Even a fool would have noticed it" - the girl muttered as she remembered Kongpob's expression at the restaurant.

How he had looked at the waitress ... at the owner of the place ...

How he had jumped into action as soon as he had noticed their interest in his employee and ex-lover.

And to think that he had not needed more than five minutes to get him out of the restaurant...

"He didn't even waited for his wounds to be treated"

- "How could I have been this blind?" - the young girl murmured as she placed her back on the wall and picked up her legs until she could put her arms around them - "I have acted as a fool!"


A fool ...

A fool for believing his words ...

For thinking that Kongpob hated Arthit as much as she did.

For imagining that ... that she had any chance of conquering his heart.

- "But I'm not going to give up ..." - the young woman thought as she lifted her face while showing a determined expression - "I will not allow the person I love to be taken from me ... not for a second time!"

Especially now...

Now that she knows that, even though he still did not love her ... a part of him wanted her, enough to kiss her as he had done before.

"Yes, I know he wants me," Nam told herself as she began to smile - "his body can not lie to me..."

And ... no doubt ... she could work with that.


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