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Kongpob finished buttoning his shirt while watching, with the corner of his eye, the bed where a young man, completely nude, was sleeping placidly.

A young man who, without a doubt, was going to kill him when he woke up.

"What have you done, Kong ?!", he reproached himself once more when he noticed the red and purple marks that were on Arthit's white skin, "it was not for this that you had come here!"

After all, even if... even if  it was what he had wanted most in the world, to be again with his Sun, he could not afford it ... he could not fall into the same path from before...

But he had been weak ...

It had been so long ... so many years in which he had calmed his desire with the help of his hand and endless memories.

And in the end, when he had needed to be strong ... he had failed.

He had let himself be carried away.

He had forgotten everything and all the things that Arthit had done to him ...

His deceit.

His betrayal...

- "I need to get out of here ..." - Kong muttered as he bit his lower lip, still swollen from his encounter with Arthit - "I... I need to think".

After which, quickly, he took his shoes and jacket and left, quietly, the bedroom.


The door of the loft opened, letting in a young man who, with a weary gesture, left his things on one of the nearby chairs to head towards the corridor that led to the bedrooms.

His eyes, for a few seconds, rested on the dining room table and on the plates that, already cold, where there completely untouched.

Kongpob sighed as he shook his head.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

- "Not now" - he murmured as he averted his gaze with a tired expression on his face.

As, honestly, the least thing he wanted at that precise moment was to see Namtarn. Not after his last conversation with her and ... much less after ... after what had happened with Arthit.

It was true that he did not owe her anything, that they were not going out and were free to do whatever they wanted but ... she was definitely going to get mad.

After all it was Arthit he had been with... the same man he had hurt them before and... the last thing he wanted now was to have an argument with her.

He was too tired for that.

Finally, with a sigh of exhaustion, the young man opened the door of the master bedroom and entered the room that was partially in shadows.

- "Finally ..." - mumbled Kongpob as soon as he lay down on the soft bedspread.

He did not even have the time to take off his shoes, falling asleep in the same moment he laid his head on one of the cushions.

All this without noticing the figure that, huddled in one of the armchairs, was watching him with tearful eyes and a gesture of despair on her face.


Namtarn was watching the young man, already asleep, while noticing immediately that his shirt was missing some buttons and that there were marks on his neck.

Some marks that, certainly, she had not made.

Some marks that someone else had left on the dark skin of Kong.

Someone who, without a doubt, had achieved what she desired ...

To be loved by him

"Who?" The girl asked herself as she bit her right fist in a vain attempt to control her sobs. To prevent Kongpob from hearing them and waking up, "Who could that person be?"

However, seconds later, she rose quickly from the chair with a destroyed expression on her face.

Her eyes, wide open because of the surprise and jealousy that was burning within her, were fixed on the smiling face of the young man who, still asleep, had begun to murmur in a low voice.

- "Hmmm ... thit" - was whispering, at that moment, Kongpob while hugging the cushion as if it was a person - "right there .... yes ... ahhh"

Namtarn's face reddened, especially after noticing how a lump began to form under Kong's pants.

Seconds later she had run out of the room, leaving the door open, and in the direction of the guest room.


Him again.

Always Him!

- "You're going to pay for this, Arthit!" - the young woman whispered as she began to remove from her body the transparent gown and the underwear  with which she had thought to seduce Kong. As, after all, they had ended not serving her of anything.

Finally, completely naked, she entered the bathroom and began to remove her makeup from her eyes and lips.

"I should hurry...", she though quickly while looking at her reflection in the mirror.

After all, she had to get ready and leave the apartment before Kongpob woke up and before the employees began to call asking about the whereabouts of their president.

As... she was not sure she could look at Kong's face and not scream at him, all of that because of the fury she was feeling at his betrayal.

Because it was a betrayal.

- It could have been anyone, Kong ..." - she murmured as she continue looking at her reflection - "you could have slept with anyone else and it would not hurt this much ... why Arthit? Why him?!"

That was what she was not going to be able to forgive him. That in the end, after everything that had happened between all of them, Kongpob ended falleing back into the arms of that traitor.

"So many years at his side, so many!" - murmured the young woman while rubbing a cotton on the black marks that had left the mascara on her skin - "seeing how many people tried to approach him to, in the end, leave disillusioned and with a broken heart. So many days watching him boil with rage at the mention of the name of Arthit and now ... now he is going to fall into the same abyss! "

The young woman growled, throwing the cotton towards the mirror for, moments later, turning towards the door in a clear attempt to retrace her steps ... to return to Kongpob's room and shout at him all she was feeling inside... 

However, she had done no more than approach the bathroom's door that she stopped her steps while closing her eyes and clenching her fists.

- "No Nam ..." - she said to herself in a loud voice as soon as she had calmed down enough - "calm down and continue with what you were doing ... remember that there is an old friend that you need to see...NOW!" .

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