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As I promised LizB018, here you have the next chapter 😊


The minutes went by faster than Arthit had expected, and before he knew it, the phone rang indicating that it was time to meet with Kongpob.

With a sigh he clicked on the print icon and, quickly, went to the corporate printer.

"Hopefully there won't be many papers ahead of mine ...", he though as he closed his office while carrying, in one of his hands, a folder with the logo of the company.

The printer, located in a room that was separated from the offices, was luckily already finishing printing the papers of Arthit's report.

Arthit consulted his wristwatch.

"Five minutes ...", he thought as he bit his lower lip and shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "five minutes late ..."

Finally, as soon as the last of the pages came out, he put them in the empty folder and, practically running, went towards the stairs of the building.

All this without worrying about the shocked looks of his coworkers who, from their tables, were watching him run without being able to believe what they were seeing.

- "But ... that's not Arthit?" - they commented to each other with a frown - "But if he is... he is running like crazy ... HIM who is always so shy..."


- "At last"! - Arthit exclaimed as he stopped in the hall of the building. The man, quickly, tried to catch his breath.

One of his hands went towards his chest while the other was still clutching the folder with the report.

"My vision is even clouded ...", though the young man while shaking his head, "And to think that it was only three floors... I should start doing some sport".

- "Seven minutes late" - said a voice behind him, making Arthit turn with a startled gesture.

The elevator doors had opened and Kongpob, with a slight ironic look on his face, calmly go out from it while being followed, only a few steps away, by his personal secretary.

The elevator doors had opened and Kongpob, with a slight ironic look on his face, calmly go out from it while being followed, only a few steps away, by his personal secretary

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

- "You're seven minutes late" - repeated the young man while he finished putting on the sleeves of his jacket.

I arrived seven minutes late ...

SEVEN minutes late ...

And what about him?!

"But if he has arrived after me!" Arthit told himself as he greeted his boss with a slight smile that he hoped would not look too forced.

Kongpob simply nodded quietly and, snapping one of his fingers, had his secretary quickly approach Arthit to hand him a huge bouquet of flowers.


- "It's for Namtarn" - said Kong after observing Arthit's look of curiosity - "I want you to give it to her in the restaurant".

Arthit looked up towards the flowers.

- "But ... Aren't we going to see a client?"

- "Well ... he called a while ago to say that he wants to delay the meeting, so we will meet in his office in five hours" - commented Kongpob while shrugging.

Five hours?

Five hours?!

"I am going to kill him!" - Arthit said to himself as he took a couple of steps towards the young man who, with an indolent smile, was giving the final instructions to his secretary - "I am going to make him swallow this flowers with its card included!"

- "That's it ..." - finished saying Kongpob to his secretary at the same moment in which the man took a new step towards him and, with a complete peace of mind,  he turned towards Arthit who, rather than carrying  a bouquet of flowers, he seemed to be carrying a gun because of the way he was grabbing the gift - "as we should go to the client's office after lunch, you'd better accompany us ... although I hope you will know how to behave so you'll  become invisible during my date".



"I will become invisible but you ... you are going to wish I had never gone to that date of yours!"

After which, Arthit nodded as he took a couple of steps to one side, letting Kongpob pass by to go, without looking back, towards the sliding doors of the building where his personal chauffeur, with the keys in hand,  was already waiting for them.

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