two ➻〝mark lee〞

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❝w-who am i?❞ i suddenly asked out of the blue. what am i even asking? silly me, of course i know who i am! i'm…

❝you can't remember who you are?❞ my devil beats me into answering my own question.

i scoffs, ❝i know who i am!❞ i yelled at him as i crossed my arms.

i then suddenly felt… perplexed? what? no. i know who i am.

❝then what's your name?❞ my devil smirks.

❝i'm...❞ i paused for a minute, trying to remember who i really am.

❝knew it.❞ my devil laughs evilly. my angel then slaps him on his forearm making him groan in pain.

i thought devils doesn't get hurt?

❝it's your thought.❞ my devil growls at me before disappearing.

i then looked at my angel and she just smiles. ❝don't worry, he'll be fine.❞

❝please excuse his attitude. you know, devils.❞ she chuckles.

❝can you tell me who i am?❞ i asked. i am now really desperate to know who i am. i've been stuck in this mansion with my so called 'angel' and 'devil' for almost a week now and yet, none of them bothers to tell me who i really am. all i know is that my angel's name is chaerin while my devil… he's just my devil.

i'm desperate as hell. who am i?

❝you're──❞ she stops as we heard shouting from the outside of my room.

my angel took a low bow at me before exiting my room. she didn't even bother to answer my question. tsk. you call that an angel? oh please.

i then sighed deeply as i drown myself into my own thoughts. who the fuck am i? where am i? where's my parents? do i even still have my parents around me? do i have a sibling? or am i an orphan? i sighed once more.

atleast tell me i have friends.

if my devil and angel wont tell me who the fuck i am then i will! i'm going to find out by myself. but first, i should explore this house.

i exited my room and walked around the big ass hallway with a red carpet. "an elephant can use this as his runway." i chuckled at my own statement. oh how i wish i know who i really am and what kind of a person i am.

am i a funny boy who makes sure to make everyone laugh? or am i those kind of badass boys who bullies everyone and makes them cry? or am i a boy who isolates himself from the outside world and make his own world inside his mind?

there's so much i want to know.

❝oh, my devil, hi!❞ i waved at him. he was playing with a samoyed white dog until he noticed my presence and when he did, he just raised a brow at me judgingly.

i rubbed my forearm awkwardly. why am i so awkward? he's just your devil for fuck's sake. b-but he's a boy…

and i'm gay.

but he isn't.

he just continued to raise a brow at me as he stared at me. this boy is making me feel uneasy. do i have a dirt on my face? is my hair messy? are my clothes that ugly and disheveled?  ❝why are you here?❞ he finally talked.

i sighed in relief… but why? why do i felt so relieved? eh. oh well. i should just ask him. ❝uhm… d-do you perhaps know m-my name?❞ i stuttered. the fuck? why'd you stutter? the fuck is wrong with me? it's just a question boi. why'd you stutter?

❝will you please stop talking to yourself? you're so talkative and annoying, gosh.❞ my devil complaints but nonetheless, he patted the space beside him. why is he patting the space beside him?

❝please be quiet for a minute.❞ he ruffles his hair out of frustration. ❝and sit down.❞ okay..?

i hesitates at first but just obeyed. you never know, he might kill me or something. he's a devil after all. ❝i'll never kill you, you're my master.❞

okayyyy! what is this feeling? why is my heart suddenly keeps on hammering? and why is it so loud? i hope he wont hear it! please please please please── oh shit.

he can hear my thoughts. fuck off, i'm so doomed. ❝you really are if you wont stop talking.❞ he gripped onto the dog's fur tightly.

❝h-hey, don't hurt the poor dog.❞ i tried to get rid of his hand that was gripping tightly on the dog's fur but in a blink of an eye, the dog disappeared.

i frowned. ❝where did he go?❞

❝he went home.❞ my devil answered. he now averted his full attention on me. i stayed silent.

oh wow, he looks kinda cute. okay, he's definitely my ty── i mean, who even are you?

❝i'm your devil.❞ he answered. fuck, he must had heard me. okay, where's my angel? where is she when i need her the most?

❝will you please shut up?❞

❝maybe if you tell me who i am, i might do so.❞ i smiled innocently. please fall for it. please fall for it. please fall for it. please fall for it. please fall for── oh fuck.

❝i-i have to go. i'm so sorry!❞ i screeched and quickly ran upstairs and to my room. i'm an idiot. how can i forget that he can hear my thought?!

but how though? how can he hear my thoughts?

if my devil can hear my thoughts, why can't my angel?

❝what even is his name?❞

chaerin then suddenly appeared right in front of me. i stumbled back as i was startled and landed on my bed with me pouting. ❝his name is lee min──❞

❝my name's mark lee.❞ my devil appeared beside her.

i just nod.

what a cute na── i mean, what an ugly name. pfft.

❝gosh! please remind me why i fell for him in the first place again?❞ my devil muttered under his breath but unlucky for him, i heard it.

he fell for me?

❝you heard me?!❞

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in love with my devil ➯ markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now