Chapter 1- The Journey

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Once young Albus got on the Hogwarts Express, preoccupation rushed through him. Even though his father had told him not to worry about it, the thought still haunted him. What if he DID end up in Slytherin? He knew for a fact that both his mom and dad had been in Gryffindor, even his annoying older brother James. What on earth was he going to do...

"Are you OK, Al?", asked his cousin Rose Weasley.

"What? Oh, yeah, you know, just nervous" answered Albus

"I know right! First day of wizarding school, I've already learnt most of the spells of by heart , and I'm pretty sure that I can produce a decent love potion, though it's 6th year stuff and..." and she went on and on. Just like her mother, Rose Weasley was a gifted child, capable of loving the idea of school and exceeding at everything related to studying.

While Rose pondered about academics, Albus went back to his personal dilemma. It wasn't as if he didn't like Rose or anything, it was just the fact that he was too embarrassed to talk about it in public and he was afraid of how Rose would react to it.

Just then, their compartment door opened and in came a tall, blonde, skinny, pale boy.

"May I join you? Everywhere else is full", asked pale boy in a shaky voice.

Rose and Albus had been alone in the compartment, and they didn't object to having a little company. All he said was a silent "Thanks" and sat down in front of Al. An awkward silence started to build up until pale boy said:

"I'm Scorpious, by the way, Scorpious Malfoy"

Albus and Rose introduced themselves accordingly. Suddenly, a teacher came in.

"Well, well, well, who do we have here? A Malfoy, A Weasley and a Potter. Never expected to see this golden trio. I'm Professor Mc Gonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts. I've been teaching in this school for a very long time and I don't think I ever knew about a rivalry greater than the one between your parents! Well, I'll be off now!" and with that note she left the three of them staring at each other.

"Well, now I know why your name sounded so familiar, Malfoy" said Rose matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I know all about you guys too, daughter of Ronald Weasley and son of Harry Potter", Scorpious blurted out.

"You must be Draco Malfoy's son!", exclaimed Al, proudly.

"Yep, that's my dad" said Scorpious.

For a second, Albus thought he heard a tone of disappointment, or was it embarrassment? Surely, Scorpious couldn't  be ashamed of his father? Or could he? One look at Scoripious was enough to convince him to leave the troubled boy to his own thoughts...

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