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Los Angeles
December 4th
2:30 am
Nicki POV

I woke up listening to the morning seagulls. As I woke up I remembered the promise I made to my mum to get home before Christmas Eve but I couldn't tell Bey.
I sat quietly on the sofa in bey's queen sized bedroom. Then Titan started crying.

Titan:"mummy I'm hungry my tummy I want to eat pi't'zza.

Tt has this thing where he puts an extra letter while calling food.hmm I know right.

Nicki:"alright Tt I'll get "pi't'zza" for you ok.



Nicki:"oh good morning bey. What are you doing up?

Beyoncé:"I should be asking you that same question,what are you doing up I know you don't cook this early and Tt loves fries for breakfast which u don't like making so don't try any funny business.

Nicki:"I know,I know it's just Tt woke up saying his hungry. Didn't you Tt didn't you. And actually this time he wants Pizza for breakfast.


Beyoncé:"oh ok I guess I could get you some pizza before mummy and I go to work.

Titan:"aww you and mummy always leave me alone with auntie Kelly.

Nicki:"aww honey you know if Mama and I don't go to work we won't be able to get you your favorite biscuits and chocolates.

Beyoncé:"ok I know what could cheer a little Titan up a tummy rub and pepperoni pizza. Ok fam let's all go down for breakfast.

Nicki:"oh erm not me I have some work I have to finish I'll come downstairs later.


Nicki:"hmm how am I supposed to break the news to Bey I mean my mum dislikes bey with every fiber of her being and she's against lesbianism what do I do?


Beyoncé:"erm Nika I just came to tell you that the meal is ready so you can come downstairs to eat.

Nicki:"oh ok.

I came downstairs dished up my food and sat down beside bey.

Beyoncé:"ok guys it's almost Christmas and I thought what better way to spend the holidays than a family trip. So both of you have to pick the places you'd like to go from this map.

Titan:"how about this one??

Beyoncé:"New York. Hmm I think it's a nice place to go since Nicki was brought up there hmm Nicki what do you think??.

Nicki:"w.....well er I...i think that Hawaii would also make a good choice b......but guys have spoken so New York it is.

Beyoncé & Titan:"yay!!!!

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