Part 9

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A/N - Here's chapter 9, hope you enjoy...

{.....FOUR'S POV.....}

After leaving Christina alone to face the wrath of Eric, something that she wholeheartedly deserved in my opinion, I was told I had go and fill out an accident report in Max's office. Well fuck that! I thought, turning down the corridor that leads to the hospital wing.

Something's are just more important.

With each step I took towards her, my pace quickened; the suspense becoming increasingly unbearable. I needed to know if she was okay, I had to hear her say the words herself; to be looked in the eyes and reassured before my constant concern for her safety would cease to exist.

I kept trying to push the thought of what I'd just learnt to the back of my mind, but it was proving to be extremely difficult. I just couldn't stop the image of him leaning over her poor defenceless form, from playing on constant loop in my head. The way he was looking at her with those puppy love filled eyes made me want to throw up. I still don't understand how the hell he has managed to hide it so well? And from the both of us!

I mean like seriously, how the hell couldn't she tell that someone was in love with her for god's sake?

It's making me want to rip his throat out just thinking about it. How dare he be in love with her; I swear to god if he tells her before I do, I actually am going to kill joke! I'll smash his skull with the bottom of my boot, grounding the pathetic fragments of bone to dust beneath me.

Rant over.

Now that I was nearing the end of the corridor, my palms began to sweat excessively and my pulse rate quicken. I was getting nervous.

But why?

It's not like I've never been left alone with her before; we've been alone many a time and never was I as anxious as I am now. Even before I knew she liked me too. Then a thought suddenly crept up on me; is it because I'm scared she might resent me for not breaking up the fight?

She wouldn't; Tris isn't like that!

Just man up Four! She's your girlfriend and you need to go see if she's okay.

As I got closer, I began to hear something; at first it was just a low buzzing sound, flying down the corridor towards me like a horde of busy wasps. But soon the noise became clearer, it wasn't a buzzing sound at all; it was voices...two of them in fact.

I wonder who they belong too.

Standing by the entryway now, I managed, without looking round the door to distinguish who these voices belonged too. One of them had me engaged from the moment I recognised its sweet melodic tone, the other, well the other had my blood boiling before it had even come to finish its first word.


What the fuck is that bastard still doing here?!

Slowly, being sure not to make myself noticed, I pop my head round the door; the sight that greets me not exactly being one that would set my mind at ease let me say. He's sat by her bedside, perching on the end of the armchair; in position so that should anything go wrong, he's ready to jump up and save the day.

Pretentious Prick!

"How bad is it?" she asks with a cringe, her face screwing up in the way I've noticed it does whenever she walks past a mirror.

"How bad's what?" he says, totally oblivious to the conversation as usual; no doubt too busy fantasising about their dream wedding. Yeah well, not if I have anything to do with it.

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