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I would like you all to read the discription of this story ( I wrote it, although it's not mine!) - It's really awsome and i think you shall all love it just as much as i do...


I'm pretty sure you guys all know the story - a good girl meets a bad boy, they fall in love and he changes just for her. Then they live happily ever after, riding off into the sunset on his extremely 'sexy' motorbike.

Whilst reading this story, you need to forget happy endings, as they're just stories that haven't finished yet.

Sarah Riley, the usual 'good girl' and Evan Rinks, the infamous 'bad boy' - the type of stereotypical nonsense, which immediately makes you think of love.

Throw in teenage drama, the usual day to day family issues, some secrets and lies then things are bound to start getting pretty messy. You're probably thinking 'this couldn't get much messier'.

But what happens when they're personalities begin to rub off on one another? Evan decides to dust off his long lost halo and Sarah starts to discover her inner demon - all to impress their significant other.

"What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness." - John Steinbeck

Written by - xsefarax.....GO CHECK IT OUT and please comment and vote on it...just for me!!!!!!

P.s - if you comment on the story mentioning that I told you about it...i will vote on every chapter on any stories you have wrote !!!

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