two-bit (keith)/ponyboy

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Ponyboy curtis/mathews was standing in the bedroom of his old house that he once shared with his brother sodapop. Sodapop had passed away 20 years ago during the vietnam war. A war his brothers had begged him not to go too. Even though it was hard darry and pony were both proud of their brother for going off to fight for his country.

Darry and pony would have been right by his side, if pony had been old enough and no longer needed darry to be his guardian.

Steve had returned without his best friend and had taken to alcohol and the occasional drug substance. He has since gotten himself better, and still goes to meetings.

"Baby, you ready to go" two-bit spoke, bringing his husband out of his daze (some things never changed, pony was still a dreamer). Pony had been staring at the photo of his family, the family of their gang that was taken before dally and johnny had passed on.

Their story is something else. After soda and steve had joined the army, darry had put more hours in at his job. So it just left pony and two-bit. They found comfort in each other and five years later they were married. Darry was ok with it. He had somehow always known his brother would never be interested in girls, and he new two-bit would take care of his brother.

"Yeah, keith, i was just thinking about stuff, you know. It just feels strange to be back here" pony explained, turning to face his husband. "Daddy, look at my pretty dress" a 4 year old patsy (their second child through surrogate) came running in.

Ponyboy scooped his daughter up. "You look beautiful princess" pony told her kisding her cheek. "Papa, do you like my dress" two-bit also gave his daughter a kiss before tickling her tummy. She let out a fit of giggles. "Papa, stop".

There oldest daughter darryl-lee entered the room carrying the baby of the family, a little boy they had named michael shayne. Darry-lee (or otherwise known as dallee) had just turned 14, and little michael was just over a year old and had just began walking.

"Dallee, why dont you take your brother and sister into the living room, and just give daddy, and me a minute" two-bit spoke. Pony put patsy down and she took her big sisters hand. Patsy had been the one to call darry-lee dallee, as it was easier to pronounce.

"You ok babe" two-bit put his arms around his husband trying to offer comfort. He mew pony was not ok in the least. To day he was saying goodbye to his oldest brother, the man who had practically raised him through his teen years.

A tear slipped out of pony's eye, and soon after more followed. He had started to bawl into his husbands shirt. "Oh keith, i cant believe he's gone" pony sobbed even harder now. Two-bit ust held his husband and let him cry. Pony had been holding his emtions in, and had finally opened the flood gates.

He slowly began to calm down, but still shed a few quiet tears. He looked ip at two-bit and gave his husband a loving kiss. "I love you keith, you've always been so good to me" "i love uou too baby" two-bit responded, kissing his husband right back.

They made their way out of the house and headed for the grave yard. Darryl shayne curtis would be laid to rest beside his family who were laid to rest years ago. "Good bye big brother, i love you. Say hi to mom, dad, soda, johnny and dally" pony spoke to the coffin before placing a white rose on top of it.

After the funeral was over, pony turned to his husband and just looked at him and his 3 beautiful children. He smiled in contenment taking micheal from two-bits arms. "Lets go home" he said, turning around one last time quietly saying goodbye to his family. Two-bit put his arm around pony as they walked out of the grave yard.

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