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"Can i go hangout with curly" pony asked his oldest brother darry as he walked through the front door. "Yeah, but you better stay away from dally" darry told him.

Pony and dally had been seeing each other for a while now. Darry had caught the two making out on the couch in a not so innocent position. Darry picked dally up and threw him out of the house and told pony he was to stay away from him.

Darry didnt care that his baby brother liked boys, he just didnt think it was right him being with someone like dallas winston. A no good hood who had probably slept with most of tulsa.

But darry didnt know dally like pony did. Dally had a real soft side that he only showed to pony. A little to johnny in a brotherly kind of way. But pony was his everything. He would do whatever it took to try and gain darry's trust so he could see po y without sneeking around. He new it was hurting pony.

Curly picked pony up and drove him to an old run down gas station just outside tulsa. There dally was waiting in his own car.

"Thanks curly, dont forget be back here at 8.00 and dont be seen by my brothers" pony called as he made his way to dally's car. "Hi baby" dally said as he took pony in his arms. "Hey" pony responded.

"Hey whats the matter, we got a few hours together" dally said trying to lighten the mood. "I'm just sick of all the sneaking around" pony told him. "I know baby, but i promise things will get better ok" pony gave dally a nod.

"So where are we going" pony asked as dally started up the car. "Its a surprise" dally responded giving pony one of his smiles he only keeps for the youngster.

Dal took ponys hand in his as he drove.

They had reached their destination. It was an old railway no longer in use with some old carts. Dally helped pony up into one. Pony was surprised at what he saw. There were a few candles dally had lit so it wasnt to dark. And he had gotten some pepsi and a  couple of chocolate bars.

Pony sat between dally's legs and laid back against dallys chest. Dally rested his head on ponys and wrapped his arms around him. "I love you, and i'll for as long as it takes for that brother of yours to stop being so stubbon" dally spoke placing a kiss on top of pony's head. "I love you too" pony responded snuggling into dally.

outsiders ships/randoms/mpreg One Shots book 2Where stories live. Discover now