matters of the heart "mpreg"

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"help" Ponyboy screamed as he was only a street from his house. He had been to the movie house and decided to walk home.

Just as he entered his neighbourhood he notice a red car, obviously not greasers following him. Just as he thought he was safe seeing his street was just around the corner, three doc jumped out of the car and through pony to the ground.

"Please somebody help" pony screamed. He wrapped his arms around his stomach as the soc took turns kicking and hitting him.

"Hey get away from him, he's pregnant" pony vaguely made out Curley's voice. Pony hadn't had a chance to tell anyone yet. Right now though he was in too much pain to care.

"Babe" curly wrapped his arms around pony trying to comfort him but nothing was working. "Brooklyn" pony sobbed.

One week ago.....

Pony had just reached the start of his second trimester. He had noticed he was starting to get a little belly. He had kept it well hidden from everyone apart from curly.

Of course curly new, after he was the one who got them in this situation in the first place having the condom break without realising til it was too late.

"You know your gonna have to tell your brother soon babe, your body is starting to change, and you won't be able to hide it for long" curly said as he rubbed pony's belly.

Pony was laying with his back against Curley's chest as they sat on the couch with curly's arms around him. "Yeah, I know. I'll tell them soon, I promise" pony agreed.

"I love you, you know" curly spoke as he placed a kiss on top of pony's head. "I love you too curly Shepperd". "So what are we going to name our little spawn" curly asked getting a slight hit from pony.

"Hey, that's not a nice thing to call our baby curly" it was obvious the hormones were starting to kick in. "I'm sorry baby, ok so what are we making our little angel" curly asked again getting a slight giggle out of pony.

"Definately not angel, your sister would get such a big head thinking we named it after her" pony replied. "Yeah your probably right" curly replied back. "Ok so we gotta think of something, and not a dumb name either, our baby has to have a real good name just like his folks" curly announced.

"Yeah, well there is one name I kinda like, and we could use it for a boy or a girl" pony suggested. "Ok, let's hear it" curly encouraged. "Well I kinda like the name Brooklyn" pony said as he snuggled into curly more.

"Brooklyn Curtis or Brooklyn Shepperd"? Curly asked? "Actually I was thinking Brooklyn Charles Shepperd" pony replied.

Curly though it over "hmmmm, what about you, don't you want your name in there, I mean it's kinda selfish it gets two of my name's, and besides what if it's a girl" curly questioned. "Well then if it's a girl, Brooklyn Mary Shepperd, after my mom" pony declared.

"Ok, Brooklyn it is, and how long til we can find out if out baby is a boy or girl"? Curly asked. "Another week or so I think" pony answered.

Back to current day.....

Curly picked up pony and ran to the Curtis house. The rest of the gang not far behind. "Put him in the car, he'll need a doctor" darry announced he was still shocked at the news, but right now his little brother need him and that's all that he cared about.

At the hospital pony was rushed through emergency. No one was allowed to go in with him.

"So when were you and my kid brother planning on telling us huh" darry snapped. "Not now darry" soda jumped in. "Come on curly" soda tried to get curly to take a seat but all curly wanted to do was run to pony. He also wanted to beat the hell outa those dam doc.

An hour later......

"Family of Ponyboy Curtis" the doctor asked. Both darry and soda stepped forward. Curly not too far behind them. "How is he doc" darry asked. "And the baby, how's the baby" curly jumped in.

"Ok firstly Ponyboy took some hard hits, he has 2 fractured ribs and his stomach is severely bruised. As for the baby, we won't know how extensive the damage is until after the baby is born, we did an ultrasound and the baby has a very strong heart beat" the doctor replied.

"Can we see him" curly asked as a tear ran down his cheek. "Yes, but please don't stay too long, pony has been through a tough ordeal and needs to rest" the doctor announced.

The 3 boys headed to pony's room while the rest of the gang waited in the waiting room.

"Hey babe" curly spoke as he reached pony's bedside. He took hold of pony's hand. Pony noticed his 2 brothers in the room. "So I guess you know now huh" pony stated. "Yeah, and we'll have words. But right now, I ain't about to put any more stress on you" darry answered.

"I'm real sorry dare" pony sobbed. "Hey, it's ok pone" soda soothed. "Besides we're both to blame" curly announced.

"Do you wanna know what we're having" pony asked. "Yeah go on is our little Brooklyn a boy or a girl" curly asked getting looks from darry and soda. "Brooklyn" they both asked. "Yes, Brooklyn Charles Curtis Shepperd" pony announced. Curly smiled at him and placed a kiss on his lips.

"I decided to add the Curtis name in as well" pony declared. "It's perfect babe, just perfect" curly replied.

This one is to be continued ........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2020 ⏰

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