darry/paul mpreg

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"Paul i'm already three months along, we wont be able to hide it much longer" darry and his fiance paul were expecting there first baby and still hadnt told anyone yet. The couple had moved to oklahoma city a year after paul graduated from college.

"Well then, maybe its time we start telling people. My moms been on my case about when you and i are gettin hitched so she can finally become a grandma" paul admitted. "Great well then how does your mother feel about babies before marriage" darry sighed.

A week later darry and paul decided to take a day trip to tulsa to visit their famili3s and share their news.

"Paul hogan junior, why didnt you tell me you ywo were expecting" pauls mom spoke with excitement. See she didnt vare if the two were married yet or not, she just wanted some grandchildren and finally she had one on the way.

"I'm sorry moma " paul sa8d pulling her into a hug. She kissed darrys cheek and asked permission to touch his small bump. "Wait right here you two, there is something i've been wanting to give the two of you for a while now but it was never the right moment" she left the couple in the living room as she headed upstairs.

When she returned, she placed a box on darrys lap. "Now i know you might be havin a girl but i've kept all of pauls baby things, and i think his first born should have them" she was over the moon about the news.

"Thanks mom" paul said iissing her cheek. "Yeah thanks mrs hogan" darry replied. "Please darrel, call me mom". "Thanks mom".

Before heading home darry and paul payed a visit to sodapop and  his wife ally. They had a little boy they named sunny. Soda wanted to keep one of his dads traditions on names but his wife wasnt too sure, so they compromised and came up with sunny. Sunny was 3 years old and all was now 7 months along with their second. They were both happy about darry and pauls baby news.

Next they were going to visit the dorms at tulsa state university, but then darry remembered pony had moved into an apartment with curly shepperd 3 weeks ago.  2hen they got to ponys apartment there was loud music playing.  Darry banged on the door. A shirtless curly answered.

"Babe whos at the door" darry heard the voice of his baby brother. Darry new curly and pony were buddys and they shared an apartment but he never thought of the two as a couple. "Its your big brother" curly yelled back. "Wich one" pony yelled as he came out of the room strughling to get his pants back on.

"So how long pony" darry asked. "I mean how long have you two been more than friends?". "Well lets see, ok so curly was out of refomitory about 5 months after dally and johnny died, and remember i was so depressed. Well curly and i started hanging out and well you know one thing we were making out and i guess you could say we've been together ever since. And before you lecture me darry, i love curly and he love me"

Once the shock wore off about his brothers news, darry told pony he and paul were expecting. Pony was happy for his oldest brother. "Pony, i dont care who your with as long as your happy" darry said giving his brother a hug before leaving. "Thanks dar".

7 months later.........

"Welcome to the world anna-marie hogan" paul said smiling down at his new born baby girl. He placed her in darrys arms and kissed his lips. "We make beautiful babies dont we" darry said smiling at his little princess. "Yep, we sure do babe, and i hope we make a bunch more" paul replied.

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