johnnyxpony (warning some smut ahead)

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Johnny and pony had been walking home from the movie house. The two were walking hand in hand as they made their way through the park. "How about we go to the lot for a bit, i mean it is still kida early" johnny suggested. "Ok" pony agreed.

Johnny sat down on the old car seat once they had made it to the lot and pulled pony down onto his lap. He pulled pony in for a kiss and put his hand on pony's thigh. "Um johnny, i think i should bo home now" pony said starting to get a little nervous.

"Hey we're just kissing pony, ok" johnny soothed. Pony started to relax a little. Johnny ran his hand further up pony's thigh barely touching pony's groin area. Pony grabbed johnny's hand stopping his movements.

"Let me make you feel good baby" johnny whispered in pony's ear. "I'm not sure i'm ready yet johnny" "its ok pone, look lets at least take it past first base, if you feel uncomfortable you can tell me to stop" pony let bo of johnny's hand.

Johnny started to undo pony's jeans. Pony's body began to shake a little as his nerves started taking over again. "Relax ok" johnny whispered distracting pony by kissing him a little more harshly.

Johnny pulled pony's jeans and underwear down to his thighs and laid him down on the seat. Pony feeling embarresed from being exposed, quickly placed his hand over his member.

Johnny took both of pony's hands and pinned them above his head. He took pony's penis into his mouth causing pony to let out a small squeal. This feeling was all new to him.

With pony now distracted johnny ran his finger over pony's entrence. Pony sqirmed at the feeling. "Johnny can we stop now" pony begged. But johnny kept up with his ministrations. Pony began to moan as johnny pressed his index finger into pony's entrence.

Pony began to rock his body but soon stopped. "Move you body baby, let it do what it wants" johnny encouraged. Pony did as johnny told him moaning loudly as johnny's finger hit something inside him. "Keep going baby" johnny told him. 'God you look so good under me right now, i cant wait til i'm deep inside you' johnny thought to himself.

Pony was now fucking himself against jihnny's finger as johnny stroked pony's penis with his other hand. "Oh god johnny, oh god" pony moaned as his body began to tremble. "Oh god, i need to stop" pony cried. But from his movements johnny could tell pony was nearing his climax.

"Just a little more baby, and you'll feel so good, i promise" johnny spoke to him. Pony thrusted harder. Johnny slipping in a second finger. Pony screamed out as he bagan to   climax harder than he's ever done.

Johnny helped clean pony up before heading over to the curtis house. "Wow johnny, that was really something" pony told him, his legs feeling a little like jello.

"Glad you liked it babe, next time maybe we can try going a little further" johnny said kissing pony's  cheek.

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