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(I love most outsiders ships, but this one is my fav)

Ponyboy had just finished his last class for the day. He was about to head to his dorm when a familiar voice call out to him. "Hey little curtis" it called. Pony knowing that voice anywhere turned around to face curly shepperd with a smirk on his face. "Well well shepperd, didnt think you'd ever see the light of day, at least not for a few more months" pony spoke to his friend.

"What can i say, i decided to be a good boy and they let me out a little early". Curly spoke taking a puff of his already lit smoke. "You wanna come take a ride, or you busy being a college geek" curly teased. " Actually if you must know i'm free for the rest of the weekend" pony responded causing curly to smile at the response.

They headed over to curly's car and headed away from campus. "Here" curly tossed a small brown paper bag at pony. "Whats this" pony asked unsure of what might actually be in there. "Just open it" curly told him. Pony opened the bag. "Oh my god curly, you remembered" pony smiled as he pulled the apple turnover out of the bag.

After driving for about an hour, curly finally pulled into an old abandonded gas station.  "Pony theres a reason i came all the way out here to see you" curly started. "You see, being locked up gives a person a lot of time to think about things, and the only thoughts on my mind were thoughts of you pony. I dont just mean the dirty kind either" that comment caused a shove from pony.

"Pony what i'm tryin to say is, i like you and i think its more than just two buddy's hangin out kind of like. Pony would you like to, maybe be my boyfriend". Pony was a littled shocked. He hadn't been with anyone since before johnny had died. And they had never gone past first base. But johnny was still the first person pony ever loved.

He often wondered if he and johnny would still be together if johnny was still alive. A tear slipped down his cheek at the tnought of johnny cade. "Pony, i know your thinkin about cade right now, and i want you to know i would never replace him. But i also think johnny would want you to be happy" curly said as he took pony's tear with his thumb.

"Yeah i know, maybe its time i moved on. You know what curly, i am willing to give you a chance, but you gotta keep out of the cooler, i dont wanna be having to go see my boyfriend behind bars all the time".

"Anything for you babe" curly responded pressing his lips to pony's.

outsiders ships/randoms/mpreg One Shots book 2Where stories live. Discover now