ponyboy's special day

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A/n.... Ponyboy's will be 6 in this short story. Everyone else will stay the same.

Sodapop Curtis was just finishing up getting ready for his double date with his best buddy Steve and their girls. It was the first Friday night he had off in a month. "Please can I go soda" whined his little brother Ponyboy.

"Hey soda,you ready to go" Steve yelled as he walked through the door. "Yeah buddy" soda yelled back. "Please soda, I'll be so good" pony tried to bargain. "No kids allowed squirt" Steve responded before soda could get a word in.

Pony ran off crying. "Come on soda, the girls are waiting" Steve began to protest. "Yeah just give me a sec ok" Soda replied. Soda new he couldn't leave without checking on pony first.

"Come here kiddo" sodapop sat on pony's bed. Pony climbed into his lap. "It's not fair soda, your always wiv Steve" pony sobbed. "Hey you know that's not true. Look I tell you what, you be a good boy for Darryl tonight and tomorrow me and you will do something" soda reasoned with the kid.

"Do you promise" pony asked. "I pinky promise" soda took pony's pink in his. "And no Steve"pony quearied "nope just you and me" soda promised. Sodapop kissed the top of pony's head before joining Steve in Steve's car.

"Hey pony how about I let you stay up past your bedtime and you and me watch the jungle book" darry called out to pony who slowly made his way out of his room. "Can we have popcorn" pony asked. "Sure, how about you go grab a blanket and pillow and get comfy on the couch and I'll go make the popcorn" darry replied.

Three hours later, soda had arrived home from his night out and Ponyboy was fast asleep in his bed. Darry had waited up til soda had arrived home. "Hey darry, you have a good night" soda asked taking a seat on the couch. "Yeah, me and pony watched a movie and ate popcorn and he past out half way through" darry explained.

"He never could stay up too long" soda laughted a little. "How was your night little buddy?" Darry asked. "Not bad, not bad at all" soda responded with a smirk.

Ponyboy woke up extra early. He was so excited to spend the day with his big brother sodapop. "Come on sodapop wake up" pony yelled jumping on soda as he slept. The sun had barely come up. "Pony, it's too early" soda answered. "Come on let's go back to sleep for a little bit so where not to tired to go out today" soda bargained.

2hours later pony had fallen back to sleep snuggled next to soda. He woke up to sodapop shaking him lightly. "Come on pony, we gotta have breakfast before we leave" soda gently spoke. Pony yawned and rubbed his eyes.

After breakfast they brushed their teeth and got in soda's car. An hour later they arrived at the Jenkins farm. Teddy Jenkins had been a good friend of Darryl Curtis SNR. And he had also gotten darry the roofing job.

"Hey Mr Jenkins" soda called as he walked pony over to the stables. Because of soda's love for horses, Mr Jenkins said he and his brothers were welcome any time. "Oh hey sodapop. Hello their Ponyboy, well ain't you a little bigger than the last time I seen ya" Mr Jenkins spoke. "I turned 6 on my birthday" pony responded.

"Mr Jenkins, would it be ok if I took pony out to the paddock on one of the horses?" Soda asked. He new he didn't have to ask but he new his parents had brought him up with good manners and he wanted them to rub off on his little brother.

" Yeah you can take lucky out, I think he's itching for a run" Mr Jenkins replied.

Soda and pony spent a couple of hours riding around on lucky. After they went to the dingo for some milk shakes. Soda showed pony how to blow bubble with his milk which had pony laughing like a mad hyena.

"Ok pone, one more stop before we head on home" soda said as he paid the waitress. On the way home they stopped at the park and soda pushed Ponyboy on the swings.

When they got home, darry was putting dinner on the table. "Go wash your hands pony" darry said as his brothers walked through the door.

"So bub, how was your day with soda?" Darry asked his baby brother. "Soda took me riding, then we had milk shakes, then we went to the park" pony explain with so much excitement. "Sounds like you had a real good day baby" darry replied. "Yep. Can we do it again soda" pony asked while taking a bite of his chicken.

"Sure kiddo" soda responded while eating his own dinner. After dinner soda tucked pony into his bed. "Thankyou for the bestest day sodapop" pony said as soda kissed him goodnight. " Your welcome kiddo, goodnight I love you baby" "goodnight sodapop, I love you too".

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