younger days 1

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A 4 year old ponyboy and a 6 and a half year old sodapop are splashing about in the tub as their mother washes their hair. Darry who is 10 years old, sits at the kitchen table while his father helps him with his homework.

Darrel curtis is a very hard worker. Roofing houses during the day to provide for his family. No matter how tired he is, he always makes time for his wife and their boys.

This night in particular the youngest of the curtis boys was refusing to go to bed. It was 7.30 at night. Pony's usual bed time. Soda got an extra half hour being a little older and darry was allowed to stay up til 9.00.

Pony had just been read his bedtime story and had gotten his hugs from everyone. His daddy had checked the closet and under the bed for monsters. But still the littlest curtis refused to sleep.

"Come on little one, you know its time to sleep" mary, pony's mother spoke.  "But mama, i not tiwed" pony complained.

"What seems to be the problem dear" darrel curtis asked his wife. "Well, it seems our son doesn't want to sleep" she replied. "Is that so, well then i guess we'll just have to let him stay up until he falll asleep" he repied back giving his wife a wink.

She new exactly what he was getting at. 5 minutes cuddling on the sofa with his daddy and pony would be out like a light. "Come on sport" darrel said as he bent down allowing his youngest to climbe on his back.

Pony had his bear and his blanket. He sat on his fathers lap as the lone ranger played on the small television. Darrel softly began humming a small tune as he stroked pony's hair. Pony's eyes began to get heavy,

Finally his little eyelids were closed as his head rested on his daddy's chest.

Thinking of doing more of the younger years. If you have any requests, you know what to do. I am sorry if i havent responded to some requests, i do get a bit stuck on how and what to to right.

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