dally/pony mpreg

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"How can you be pregnat babe, we always use protection" dally yelled in shock at the news pony just told him. "How should i know dal, maybe the condom was faulty" pony cried. The two argued for the next few hours about what they would do about their 'little accident'.

12 weeks later.....

After their aguement dally had said he needed some air. That was 12 weeks ago.

Pony was walkin home from school when he was shoved into the pavement. 3 soc had started beat him leaving pony a whimpering mess. He felt a srong pair of arms lift him as he blacked out.

When pony woke up next, he was lying in a white room. But the most shocking thing he noticed, was dally sitting by his side. "Dally" pony whimpered. "Shhh, try and get some rest" dally carressed him.

Once pony was fully alert a few hours later, dally gave him the explanation he deserved. "I'm so sorry babe, i guess i just real scared" dally took ponys hand in his. "I promise i'll never leave you and our baby ever again, i love you and i'm sorry i was being a jerk". Pony pulled dally down to him, "i love you too, you big jerk" he kissed dallys lips just as the doctor entered the room.

"Hello mr curtis, i'm doctor reed, how about we see what going on with this little baby of yours shall we" she seemed quite friendly, and didnt seem to care that pony was a male carrying a baby.

The doctor had pony wheeled into a different exam room. "Ok pony, i just want you to relax ok, i'm just going to listen to your baby's heart and make sure there hasnt been too much trauma from your beating" she explained.

Dally held ponys hand as the doctoe turned on the monitor in front of them. "If you would like to look at the screen, you will see your baby" doctor reed told them both. She lifted ponys shirt and put some gel on his abdomen. Then she took a funny looking gadget and moved it over ponys stomache.

She then turned the sound on and all that was heard was woosh woosh going real fast like waves. "That sound is your babys heart beating, and i must say it sounds quite strong".

Pony looked at dally and smiled. Dally couldnt help the tear that escaped his eye.

"Judging from the size of your baby, i'd say your about 15 weeks along, now it might be a lityle early, but would you like to see if we can determine the sex?"

Pony and dally looked at each other. They both agreed to find out what they were having. "Well from what i can see, it looks like you two are having a little girl".

Dally heart fluttered with pride. He kissed ponys lips before leaning down to ponys stomache. "Hi princess, its your daddy, i love you and you momma very much".

Pony shed some tears at as he watched dally talk to their baby girl. "She is going to be so spoilt babe" pony spoke. "She sure is baby, i love you both so much" dally responded kissing pony again.

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