darry/dally/two-bit "mpreg"

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Dallas and two-bit were both sitting on the couch at the curtis's, waiting for darry to get home from work. Soda had taken Johnny and pony with him and Steve to a football game so it would just be the three at home.

They didn't have to wait long, when they heard darry's truck pulling up in the drive way. Two and dal ran out to help with whatever groceries darry had bought on his way home. He always made sure the icebox and cupboards were full. Especially with all the mouths he had to feed.

"Hey baby, why don't you go out your feet up and I'll run you a nice hot bath" two-bit offered giving darry a small peck on the lips. "That actually does sound real nice" darry replied.

"Hey doll, I'll get you a nice massage and make you feel good and relaxed" dally offered. Darry felt like he had won the lottery with these two men. He was so happy when they had all agreed that none of them could be without the other, so they had decided it was best to stay as a threesome.

Later that night, both dally and two-bit talked darry into taking them both at the same time. Every other time they made love he would have one in his mouth and one inside him. But he didn't want to let his lover's down.

3 weeks later.....
Darry woke up and did his usual routine, shower wake up his brothers and start breakfast. Just as he was about to pour the pancake batter into the pan, he began to feel nauseous.

He quickly put down the bowl and ran straight to the bathroom. He was followed not long after by dally. "You alright babe" dal asked. "Yeah, probably just caught a bug or something" darry replied after wiping his mouth and flushing the toilet.

Over the next week, darry did not seem to be getting any better. Two-bit and Dallas took turns in rubbing darry's back every time he through up. "Maybe you should see a doc" two had suggested. Dallas agreed and the two of them had convinced darry to get checked out.

After a month of throwing up and not making any improvement, darry made an appointment. Dallas and two-bit went along with him.

"I'm going to need a blood sample and urin" the doctor ordered. She then drew some blood from darry's arm and told him to go into the bathroom and per in the cup she gave him. "Ok now it might take a little while but we should have your results by the end of the week" she told darry.

A week later the phone rang "hello, darry Curtis" darry answered. "Sure thing doc, 3oclock, got it" darry then hung up the phone and told dal and two the doc had his results and wanted to see him at 3oclock.

"Pregnant" the three of them said together as they received darry's results. "But who's the father" two asked. Dal slapped him over the head. "I mean we both, you know. So is it possible for both of us to be the dad" two questioned.

"I'd like to do a scan of your stomache darry" the doctor requested. Darry got up on the examination table. Two and dal on either side holding his hands. "Well it looks like your having twins, so it's possible that you both fathered one each" the doc told them.

"Now darry, I'm going to prescribe you with some medication to make sure your babies grow healthy, it will, it will also help with the nausea. Also I want you to come in for regular checkups and we'll discuss your birthing plan" the doc explained.

It took a while for the shock to sink in, but when it did the three couldn't be more happier. Over the next few months the three turned pony's old bedroom into a nursery (he was sharing with soda now anyway). Dal and two-bit were at all darry's appointments.

"Would you three like to know the sexes of your babies" the doc asked at the 20 week appointment. They all agreed. They found out they were having 2 boys.

8 months later......
The threesome was lying in bed asleep when Darry woke with a start. He felt a lot of wetness between his legs, and realised his waters had broken. He got up, put on some dry clothes and woke his sleeping lover's.

Dal drove to the hospital while two sat in the back with darry. "Oh god" darry screamed as he squeezed two-bits hand. "Drive faster dal" two-bit yelled.

When the arrived at the hospital, they were taken straight to the maternity ward. Darry was told he could strip and hop into the birthing pool. He had requested a water birth. Dal and two-bit stripped down to their boxers and climbed into the tub with their lover.

Two hours later darry was ready to push. Two-bit put his hands under the water, ready to take baby a. Baby a came out with a mop of dark hair he could only have gotten from Dallas.

Dallas changed places with two and got ready to take baby b. Baby b had strawberry blonde hair, a mix of two and darry. Darry was so overwhelmed and in love with his two sons. But it wasn't over.

Darry had felt an intense urge to push again. The doc just told them it was the afterbirth, but when she looked into the water she saw another babies head coming out of darry. She reached down and took the baby as darry pushed it out.

She then put he baby in darry's arms. "Doc, I though you said two babies" two quearied. "I swear, that's all that was on the screen" the doc admitted. "Sometimes babies tend to hide" she explained.

"So what is it doll" dally asked curiously. Darry looked down at the little bundle in his arms and tears sprang to his eyes. "It's a girl, we have a little girl" he cried. She was a mix of all three of them. She had two-bits red hair, dally's eyes and ears and darry's nose.

Later that day the rest of the boys came to see the new additions to their family. "Hey guys, come in" darry convinced them as the poked their heads in the door. "Come and meet your niece and nephews".

"What are their names"? Pony asked as he held one of the boys. "Your holding Shayne Keith Curtis" two-bit answered. "And this is Mary Elizabeth Curtis" dal said to soda who was holding his little niece. "You named her after months" soda smiled as a year slipped out.

"Yeah, you guys don't mind do you" darry asked his brothers. "No, it's perfect" soda replied. Pony nodded his head and smiled.

"And what about this little guy" Steve asked, looking ath the baby boy in darry's arms. "Say hello to Samuel Dallas Curtis" darry replied.

After congratulating the little family and saying their good byes everyone except the threesome left. Two and dal got on the bed on either side of darry, all of them each holding a baby.

"Well looks like we have our hands full now" darry spoke. "Yeah, but I wouldn't have it any other way" two-bit responded to which dally replied "me either".

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