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18 year old darry and his best budcy paul had been inseprable since junior high. They were co captains of their high school football team. But there was someting else about the two. They had secretly been seeing each other every chance they got.

"Hey dar, you wanna come over to mine this weekend, my folks are going to some gathering for a few days" paul spoke as the two left the change rooms after practice and headed to their cars. "Yeah, as long as i dont need to babysitmy baby brother, i'll be there"

Turned out pony was sick so his parents had canceled their dinner plans. "Mama, can i go stay at pauls tonight" darry asked as he met his mother in the kitchen. "Yeah go on, just be home for dinner tomorrow" "thanks mama, i love you" he kissed her cheek and headed off to his room to pack a few things.

An hour later darry was driving up pauls drive way. He was barely in the door when paul had him against the wall. The two were in a deep make out session. "I have been waiting all day for that" paul spoke first.

"Lets go up to my room" paul motioned. Darry followed. The two were both out of their clothes in record time. They took turns topping each other throughout the night until they were both spent.

6 months later......

Darry and paul were getting ready for college, paul would be going in a week to set up their dorm wich they had somehow managed to get a room together. Darry had a few last minute tnings to do before he was on his way.

But things didnt quite go to plan. Once paul had been settled in for a week at oklahoma state, he called darry to find out if he was on his way. Darry broke down and told paul there was going to be a change in plans. At 3am that morning darry had recieved a visit from officers alex martain and william charles, informing him that both his parents had been in a serious car crash.

They had both died on impact.

Paul came back for the funeral, but he new he no longer had the future he had wanted with darry curtis. They both ended their relationship.

20 years later......

Darry looked at his husband and couldnt help the smile that formed on his face. "I know that look, you had that same look back in high school when you finally got me to agree to go out
with you".

"Well i'm just happy that you also agreed to marry me paul curtis". The two laid in each others arms. They were both very happy how things turned out.

outsiders ships/randoms/mpreg One Shots book 2Where stories live. Discover now