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Once we were out of sight of the suburbs and in a desolated park, Breeze looked at us with that serious expression. Her eyes narrowed at us like the eyes of a hawk that has targeted its victim.

"You better promise never tell anyone about this place or you're dead," she glowered as she walked over to the pedestal of a statue. I noticed the statue, it was built in 1645 by some mysterious and unknown person, it stood there ever since. The title of the pedestal was made out of little stones which were varying in colors, some even looked ancient.

The words were bold and outstanding saying Anda Fristad. No one knew what it meant but a tingling sensation began to tickle me, especially at my fingers. I felt like I needed to touch it. Yet, I resisted.

She crouched down in front of the pedestal and gently pressed her fingers against the words, murmuring strange sentences.

I was about to whisper to Jasper and convince him to leave with me, however, the letters started to glow an eerie blue. His jaw dropped as I probably did the same.

Breeze's hand began to melt into the stone as she looked over at us with a gentler look.

"C'mon, the border won't stay open for long," She gestured for us to come over with her free hand that wasn't being engulfed by the stone.

I reluctantly walked over and pressed my hand on the stone. My hand melted through the stone and disappeared from my sight, I closed my eyes as I wiggled my fingers. It felt like my fingers were moving through a multi layered slime. I felt a large displacement of air, I turned my head and got face to face with Jasper.

He flashed me a smile before putting his head into the stone as if it was a safer option. Of course.

Suddenly something pulled me into the stone and the outside world vanished once I got sucked in.

As I opened my eyes I immediately regretted it. A vision. I saw Breeze holding up a sword to six people, including me in them.

In the distance, I saw a horde of darkness rushing in. As quickly as that memory came, it disappeared. Next, I saw myself floating through darkness, I was dissolving slowly and I kept moving.

Then I saw a boy. He had unbrushed brown hair, he had a light complexion, dark brown eyes as well. He held some type of gagdet. His expression was fierce and his gaze was focused on this.. darkness. It was a bulking figure and just looking at it I felt as if my skin wanted to crawl off and hide somewhere safe. The image faded.

Soon enough another showed up with a girl of fifteen or fourteen years of age, her body split in half of two completely appearances. She was talking to Jasper as he sharpened his sword.

Wait..When did he ever get a sword?! Then, the last vision showed. A person with dark curly hair with a pearly white streak running through it, was sleeping peacefully. She or he was in a pod of some sort. They had a breathing mask on their face and monitors were wired to the pod. Then, I noticed other people too in pods.

Something was wrong.

My eyes blinked open as soon as the freezing cold water splashed onto my face. Was that all just a dream? I heard a sigh, "He's alive, that's for sure."

Suddenly some warm arms wrapped tightly around me, "Hearth! Don't you dare do that ever again!"

"Do what again? And where are we?" I questioned as I squinted. The sun was bright and high in the sky, probably noon. I spun my head around to examine my surroundings. Green grass and wildflowers were flourishing and growing high. I heard a stream of water nearby.

Wherever this place was, we were definitely not in Greenloch anymore. The place felt clean, alive, free, and well nothing like Greenloch.

For the first time that I actually noticed Breeze, there was a soft smile on her face which was definitely a first. She seemed to have a different attitude just by her expression. Even her clothing changed. Instead of wearing clothes that had holes within them and were charred at the ends, she was wearing a clean baby blue shirt and white jeans, however, one thing about her didn't change was her armor.

"Welcome to Aeledge, the haven for the children of the Spirits and other such beasts and majestics."

The Warriors Of Aeledge~A New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now