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Bright light shined in front of me and even though I had my eyes closed I could feel it. I slowly lifted my eyelids to be greeted by the sun peeking over the horizon. My body felt tired even though I had a full night’s rest. I lifted my head from the fluffy black pillows that I was laying on, then I realized something.

I looked down and I wasn’t in my new clothes. The fabric that was on me was extremely soft and the color of black. Simple but comfortable. I sat up and looked at the quiet, faintly lit room.

It was still unbelievable. Just a day ago, I was stuck in a classroom learning about the laws of physics. Now, I’m in a new world. New people. New creatures. And Thoven staring at me from the closet door.

He eyed me carefully as if he was trying to estimate how much muscle I have. The answer is zero by the way, I’m the scrawny Spanish kid that can barely lift a feather. I guess I was making a face because Thoven nervously got up.

“Is there something wrong, my lord?” He walked over to me and shifted the sheath on his belt.

I shook my head and got out of my bed, “Where’s your brother and sister?”

Thoven acted as if he didn’t hear my question, “Your clothing for the day is in the closet.” He walked out of the room and left me alone.

So I got prepared for the day.


“Are you sure about this?” I asked as I looked down at Breeze. Her golden armor glinted and shone in my eyes, blinding me for a second. She needing armor is probably not a good sign. She gave me a thumbs up, “Just do NOT touch Satania’s ears!”

I mustered a nervous nod before looking at the reigns. I gripped them and looked at Satania’s fiery red eyes, “Okay girl..I just need you to fly.”

The dragon huffed and promptly sat down. Awesome..I got the dragon with the attitude. I glanced over at Breeze, “I thought you said dragons are sacred to Kanji and his brethren.”

“Well, they are not under his control. They are just protected by him. So, I guess they can disobey the children.” Breeze walked in front of Satania and smiled gently.

She began to coax the dragon and trying to convince her to let me fly on her. As she was doing that, my eyes began to wander. As a result I ended up sightseeing the training area.

I was in the beginners section whereas I saw eight and nine year olds picking their dragons. The dragons had their own personal area. It seemed surreal, there was different biomes for different dragons as they thrived peacefully.

Since I was the son of Kanji, Breeze told me, I had to master dragon-riding. Apparently it’s vital to make a connection with one’s ‘roots’. I suddenly felt Satania stand again and she turned her head to me.

Unexpectedly, a woman’s voice echoed in my head. Well, shall we begin flying? It took me a moment but I realized the voice belonged to Satania. My mouth still open, I just nodded.

Sit correctly and you won’t fall. Hopefully.

Before I could argue, her giant ash colored wings spreaded out and she crouched. Then, she ejected herself into the air. The wind slapped my face as she flew upwards. I dared to look back and saw the training area become into a vague figure of a building.

I held my breath as she kept climbing upwards. We broke through a layer of clouds.

She stopped flapping her wings and we went spiraling into a freefall. I found myself screaming as I tried to hold for dear life. When we were just feet away from the ground, Satania decided she rather not have me as a pancake and spreaded out her wings. The wind slowed as she glided peacefully back to the beginners section. Breeze stood there, waiting for Satania to land.

However, Satania had different ideas. She flew directly past Breeze and flew upwards at a 45 degree angle.

A weird vibrating noise was being emitted by her as she kept flying rapidly. Her ears were twitching and I noticed her eye pupils were thin slits which gave off a very tense vibe.

I patted the side of her neck, “Hey girl...are you okay?” No response. She began to pick up speed as she approached the Moon Forest. I tugged at the reigns, however, this helped nothing.

Satania kept getting faster and it was getting hard for me to stay on. The forest was below us now and she seemed to be going to the heart of the forest. The realization hit me like a brick being thrown at me. She’s going to the Lunar Blossom.

Without much thought, I grabbed Satania’s ears. The flying lizard seemed to be snapped out of its trance to turn into a raging demon against me. She maneuvered with speed and jagged moves. She tried her best to shake me off but I kept hold. Screaming and curses echoed loudly in my head as her body suddenly erupted in flames. I expected it to hurt but the fire just was warm and ticklish to me. Satania spun her head back at me, obviously expecting a roasted Hearth Santos but instead found me quite alive.

She roared in outrage and then she decided to use another tactic to get me off: bucking bull time. Just like those toy bucking bulls you find in the amusement park, she had the same movements and she wasn’t on easy mode. My grip on the reigns was slipping and she seemed to notice. Satania quickly used other movements combined with the bucking.

Then I couldn’t hold on anymore. Soon enough, I was falling as the sight of Satania disappeared. The wind whistled sharply against my ears as I reached closer and closer to the ground.

After that, everything went black.

So haven't tortured Hearth for no reason ;w;

Peace out my lovie dovies


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