{2} - Three Days

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"If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?" Sebastian asked.
"Why Holland?"
"The tulip fields." Bethany said, taking another bite of her ice cream. They were sitting on the couch in Sebastian's apartment, eating ice cream and watching Bob's Burgers.
"Oh. Right."
"What about you? Anywhere in the world."
"And the reason?"
"It's beautiful and . . . I dunno. Venice."
"Very eloquent." She giggled and took another bite.
"I try."
"My patience."
"You're very snarky." He smiled and took a bite of his ice cream.
"And you're not? Oh! I like that part." She lunged for the remote to go back and dropped her bowl upside down in Sebastian's lap.
"Cold!" He jumped up and sent the bowl to floor. Half the ice cream fell on the floor and the other half stayed on his pants. He grabbed the bowl and put the ice cream back in it.
"Sorry!" Bethany said while laughing.
"No you're not."
"I am too." He smiled and shook his head.
"I'll be right back." He walked into his bedroom and Bethany found the scene she missed in their episode of Bob's. Sebastian came back with different pants on.
"I really am sorry." Bethany said still giggling.
"Oh yeah, you sound so sorry." He grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him before tickling her.
"No!" She shrieked and laughed, "Don't! Stop!"
"Fine I won't." He kept tickling her until she slid off the couch still laughing. He smiled at her laying on the floor laughing so hard she was crying. He'd made a good choice.
"You're mean!" She pouted and sat back down on the opposite end of the couch.
"You threw ice cream at me!"
"Not on purpose!" Her phone vibrated and she grabbed it. "Oh fuck."
"I forgot BBM is playing gig tomorrow which means they're doing practice now. I gotta go, but I don't wanna. We only have three more days before you leave and I wanna spend them with you."
"What if I come with you?"
"Yes! I'm not even gonna ask them 'cos I know they won't care. Well, Emmett might, but fuck him." She stood and grabbed her shoes. "We need to go now 'cos we have to pick up my drums first." Sebastian stood and turned the tv off.


"Why is he here?" Emmett asked as soon and he saw Bethany and Sebastian. They were practicing in the basement of Oscar's sister's house. His sister and her husband weren't home.
"Nice to see you too, asshole." Bethany said, rolling her eyes.
"That didn't answer my question."
"Why do you have to be such a dick all the fucking time?" Oscar asked, walking into the room with his guitar. Emmett flipped him off.
"If you must know he's leaving in three days and we want to spend some time together before he leaves. Not that it's any of your business." Bethany told Emmett
"If we're all here," Simon said, grabbing his bass, "Why don't we rehearse now and bicker afterwards over pizza or something."
"We're not bickering." Emmett muttered and grabbed his mic.
"You can sit down, y'know." Oscar told Sebastian, who sat down on the couch beside Hal.
"Hal, put the book down." Simon said.
"Just one more page."
"It's always one more page." Oscar said, walking over and pulling the book out of Hal's hands. Hal did not look impressed, but he stood and picked up his guitar.
"Which one are we starting with?" Oscar asked.
"I thought we had to wait for Kris." Bethany said, sitting down at her drum kit and attempting to twirl one of her drumsticks.
"We do, but we still need to pick a starting song, don't we?" Emmett said.
"Sassy." Bethany said and giggled.
"Sorry I'm late!" Kris said, running in. Her hair was a mess and she was wearing a shirt that was too big for her. "I-Uh-I don't have a good excuse, but I remembered the camera and that's really the important thing isn't it?" Emmett rolled his eyes.
"Whatever. Get set up while we get ready." Simon said.
After rehearsal, which Kris filmed for them to put on their YouTube channel Oscar took Hal home, Emmett left and Kris, Simon, Bethany and Sebastian went out for supper. They went to small diner that supposedly served the best burgers in the world.
"What can I get started for you?" Their waitress was an older woman with greeting hair. Her name tag read 'Karen'.
"Tuna melt, please." Simon said, not looking up from his phone.
"I thought you didn't like tuna." Karen said.
"Krissy doesn't like tuna." Simon said, still looking up.
"Put your phone down. I raised you better than that."
"Sorry, Mom." Simon our his phone down and looked at his mom. Bethany looked from Kris and Simon to their mom and back again.
"Oh! Right! Mom, this is Benny! My friend I met this summer. Benny, this our mom."
"It's nice to meet you." Bethany said with a smile.
"You too."
"That's Sebastian." Simon said, jabbing a thumb in Sebastian's direction.
"Hi." Sebastian said. Karen smiled.
"Karen! Enough chitchat!" Called a man from the kitchen. Karen looked over at the man.
"Sorry, Allen." She looked back at the group. "What'll it be?"

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