{13} - March

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💕Sebster💕 - do you have any plans this evening?
Baby girl😍 - No. Why????
💕Sebster💕- I thought if you wanted you could come over after work and I'll make supper for us
Baby girl😍 - 😍
Baby girl😍 - have I mentioned recently how much I like you
💕Sebster💕 - you might have mentioned it
Baby girl😍 - well I like you a lot 💕💕💕
💕Sebster💕 - I like you back baby girl
Baby girl😍 - why did you say back instead of too?
💕Sebster💕 - because I don't like you just because you like me. I reciprocate your feelings. I don't have them because you do. That's not how it works.
Baby girl😍 - I never thought of it like that.
Baby girl😍 - my mind is extremely boggled
Baby girl😍 - I like that.
Baby girl😍 - saying back instead of too
💕Sebster💕 - what do you eat for breakfast?
Baby girl😍 - cereal or sometimes toast. Why?
💕Sebster💕 - I'm shopping and it occurred to me that I should get something you like for you to have for breakfast when you spend the night at my place
Baby girl😍 - you don't have to do that
💕Sebster💕 - I want to.
💕Sebster💕 - what kind of cereal do you like?
Baby girl😍 - Raisin Bran and special K red berries.
Baby girl😍 - or as panda calls them "old lady cereal" 🙄
💕Sebster💕 - do you like flavored creamer in your coffee or just half and half
Baby girl😍 - half&half. Flavored creamer is great in theory but you can't get the right mount of creamer and sweetener. You always have too much of one and not enough of the other.
💕Sebster💕 - got it
💕Sebster💕 - do you have a short flathead screwdriver?
Baby girl😍 - no I don't
💕Sebster💕 - 🤦‍♂️
💕Sebster💕 - sorry that was for Remington
Baby girl😍 - what do you need a screwdriver for?
💕Sebster💕 - I have to fix my coffee table. One of the legs is loose
Baby girl😍 - I didn't know you were a handy man
💕Sebster💕 - Ha! I'm not, but I can tighten a screw and change a lightbulb so I'm good
Baby girl😍 - I can do that too
Baby girl😍 - I can also sand, prime and paint pretty much anything and take a dryer apart, replace parts and put it back together again.
Baby girl😍 - vacuum cleaners too
💕Sebster💕 - Wow you're more of a handy man than I am. Not that it takes much
Baby girl😍 - 😬
Baby girl😍 - random question do you have a favorite flower?
💕Sebster💕 - I like orchids
Baby girl😍 - any particular reason?
💕Sebster💕 - my gram always had orchids
💕Sebster💕 - it's nostalgia thing I guess
Baby girl😍 - that's so sweet!


The entire apartment smelled amazing when Bethany walked in. Her purse hung off her arm and a small plant pot was clasped in her hands. The doors could be heard playing softly in the kitchen.
"I don't know what you're making, but it smells amazing."
"Pork chops, mashed potatoes and steamed asparagus with butter and garlic. And salad." She dropped her purse by the door and walked into the kitchen. She sat the plant on the counter and gave Sebastian a kiss before wrapping her arms around his waist.
"That sounds amazing. I brought you a present."
"You did?"
"Yup." He turned away from the counter where he'd been slicing cucumber. His eyes landed on the potted plant and he smiled.
"You brought me an orchid."
"I did. D'you like it?"
"I do. Thank you, baby girl." He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.
"Can I give you a kiss?"
"Yeah." He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.
"Anything I can help with?"
"You can finishing cutting vegetables so I can finish the asparagus."
"Sure." She took the knife he offered her and and set to work cutting cucumbers and tomatoes and red onion. She hummed along to a song she didn't know and Sebastian began to sing softly. Bethany wished everyday could be like this one.

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