{10} - Momma Royale

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"What if she doesn't like me?" Bethany asked as they stood in the living room of Remington and Emerson's house.
"Impossible." Sebastian said.
"But what if I say something stupid?"
"I'm sorry, let me introduce myself, I'm Sebastian master of saying stupid things. And this," he gestured at Remington who was coming down the stairs, "is Remington, he's a close second. And wherever Emerson is he's a kind of distant third." Bethany smiled.
"Thank you for dragging me into that weirdass conversation, oh master Sebastian." Remington said putting his hands together and bowing.
"Shut up, dumbass." Sebastian said before looking back at Bethany. "Seriously though, relax. She's gonna love you." He pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her.
"If you say so." She mumbled.
"Mm. I do." There was a knock and then the door opened. Stephanie walked in.
"Hey, Mom." Remington gave her hug and kissed the top of her head.
"Hi, Mom." Sebastian did the same thing.
"And you must be Bethany!" Stephanie said.
"Yeah. This is my Bumblebee." Sebastian wrapped his arm around Bethany's shoulder and kissed the side of her head. Bethany blushed.
"It's so nice to finally meet you. My boys think the world of you!" Stephanie pulled Bethany into a hug. Once released Bethany wrapped an arm around Sebastian's waist.
"I think the world of them." She smiled up at Sebastian.
"You two disgust me." Remington said. Sebastian leaned down and pressed his lips to Bethany's while giving his brother the finger. Remington made a retching noise and Stephanie smacked him upside the head. Bethany giggled.
"What time are our reservations?" Stephanie asked.
"Seven." Sebastian said.
"Where's Emerson?"
"Probably in his room." Remington replied, "Emerson!" He yelled. There was no response. He walked toward the kitchen and yelled again. "Emerson!" There was silence followed by a crash and Emerson yelling. Sebastian sighed.
"I'll go make sure they don't kill each other." Then he walked out of the room leaving Bethany and Stephanie alone.
"So, Bethany, Sebastian told me your a . . . drummer? Is that right?"
"You can call me Benny. Everyone does." Bethany smiled, "and yes, I am a drummer."
"Are you in a band?"
"Yeah. Back Before Morning."
"I've never heard of it, sorry." She smiled apologetically.
"It's fine. Not many people have. They're an up and coming band."
"Hmm? Oh, we. We are an up and coming band. I've only been playing with them since last summer and it's been an on again off again kind of thing. Just a couple weeks ago they made me their permanent drummer and I guess it still hasn't cemented in my brain." Stephanie nodded in understanding, "Drumming for me is more of a hobby than a career. It's never been my goal to be in a band and perform for people. I play as a stress relief mostly. I do covers for YouTube and that's all I've ever wanted to do with it, but BBM needed a drummer and I was available."
"It's rare to meet a musician who doesn't want to perform. How long have you been playing?"
"Since I was eleven. Ish. But I didn't get my first drum kit till I was thirteen."
"So I'm going to change topics, but how long have you two been together?"
"Technically two months, but he was on tour most of that so it doesn't really feel like we've been dating that long."
"And you met on Warped Tour last summer?"
"No. Actually we met two years ago when Palaye Royale went on the Homecoming tour with my brother, Andy."
"Oh. I didn't realize you'd known each other so long."
"It's funny to me, looking back on when we met, because I was only seventeen when we met. So the idea of dating him never crossed my mind. And I'm sure it never crossed his. Not to mention I was dating someone else at the time." Bethany was starting to panic, mildly. Her sentences were starting to get pushed together, coming fast and barely understandable. She was trying to stay calm. Passing out would only make things worse. She wished it would go away. Something she'd noticed recently was that more often than not she got angry about about getting stressed or panicking. Which, unsurprisingly, didn't help matters.
"Are you okay?"
"I think so." Bethany closed her eyes and took a deep breath. There was no way to pretend this wasn't happening now. Stephanie would ask questions and Bethany would have to answer them. Embarrassing. That's what this was. And stupid. Childish. She couldn't even handle being alone with someone she didn't know for a few minutes before she got stressed out and started panicking.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Bethany understood Stephanie's concern and she knew she was just doing what came naturally as a mother, but there was nothing worse than being on the brink of a panic attack and having someone ask if you're okay.
"Sebastian is helping Emerson clean up the mess. Should just be a minute and they'll-B? Are you okay?" Remington said coming into the room. Bethany looked at him with glassy eyes and he got wide eyed. He knew. He came and wrapped her in a hug. "It's okay, B. Deep breaths. Mom doesn't bite. I promise." Bethany nodded against his chest and took a deep breath. The familiarity of Remington helped significantly.
"So as soon as Shy and Moni-" Sebastian cut himself off when he saw Remington hugging Bethany. Bethany let go of Remington and looked at Sebastian. He walked over and wrapped her in a hug. "Are you okay?" He asked so only she could hear.
"Can I have a cigarette?" He looked at her with concern in his eyes, but pulled the packet of cigarettes out of his pocket and offered it and his lighter to her. "I'll be right back." Without looking at anyone she walked outside.


Remington and Sebastian shared concerned looks.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Stephanie asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, she's just having a mild panic attack." Sebastian told her. "I'm gonna go check on her. We'll leave when Shy and Monica get here." Then he followed Bethany outside. She was standing with her back to the house, arms crossed. She put the cigarette to her lips and inhaled.
"Sorry I'm ruining things." She mumbled, exhaling a cloud of smoke.
"You aren't ruining anything. What caused it?"
"I was alone with someone I don't know telling them way too much about my personal life and then I wasn't sure if I should keep talking or not. When I started panicking I got embarrassed which made me feel stupid which made me angry and here we are." She held up the cigarette, "It's stupid. Sorry."
"You don't have to be sorry, Baby girl." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and kissed the side of her head before resting his head against hers. "And it's not stupid."
"It is stupid. I can't be a fucking adult for five minutes without having a panic attack." She sighed and took  another drag on the cigarette before offering it to Sebastian. He took it and took a drag.
"Are still up for dinner? We don't have to go if you aren't."
"I'm fine. Don't let me ruin the evening."
"You aren't ruining anything."
"Fine. But the point is I'll be alright. We can go."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Stop worrying."
"It's my job to worry about you." He waved at Shy as she walked up the walkway.
"Hey, guys." She said giving them a smile.
"Hey, Shy. You look nice." Bethany said.
"Thanks. So do you." Then Shy went inside.
"Does you're mom think I'm weird now?" Bethany looked up at Sebastian.
"No. Why would she think that?" She gave him a look that read 'really'. "She doesn't think you're weird." He gave her back the cigarette and popped a cinnamon altoid in his mouth. "Do you want one?"
"Sure. Thank you." She took an altoid for when she was finished with the cigarette.

I feel like people don't care about this story anymore. Am I crazy?
Avery L.

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