{24} - Ultrasound

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"And that right there is your baby." The nurse pointed to a tiny little spot on the sonogram machine. Bethany gave Sebastian's hand a squeeze. "Would you like copies of the sonograms?"
"Yes, please."
"Alright. I'll be back in just a minute." The nurse left. They had made an appointment for the day they got back to LA. The appointment had consisted mostly of paperwork. The nurse came back with printouts, a file folder of information and resources for pregnant women and a recommendation to come back in a month.


"It's so tiny." Bethany said as she ran her fingers over the sonogram once they were in the car again. "How fucking crazy is that I'm growing a tiny person there?" She rested her hand on her stomach.
"It's pretty insane." Sebastian said, grabbing her hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
"Is it okay if I put a picture of the sonogram on my insta?" She asked. "After we tell our parents obviously. I'm pretty sure my mom would kill me if she found out I was pregnant via Instagram."
"Absolutely." He kissed the back of her hand and she smiled. "Pretty sure my mom would kill me too."
"Can I have my hand back so I can take a picture?"
"Nope." Bethany smiled and shook her head, turning her gaze back to the sonogram in her hand.


They checked to see if Sebastian's mom was home and when she said she was they decided she would be the first to know.
"So what inspired the spontaneous visit? I don't mind, I'm just curious." Stephanie said as she filled the kettle with water. Bethany laid one of the sonograms on the table. "Hmm?" Stephanie turned and caught sight of the sonogram. She walked over to the table and picked it up. "Are you-is this-?"
"You're gonna be a grandma." Sebastian said with a smile.
"Oh! Congratulations! Come here!" She pulled Sebastian out of his seat and wrapped him in a hug. Then did the same with Bethany. She grabbed Sebastian again. "I'm so happy for you guys." She wiped at her eyes and turned to grab the sonogram off the table. The talk quickly turned to how Bethany was feeling and things she could expect. While Bethany appreciated Stephanie's advice she got a little overwhelmed.


"We should probably tell Remington and Emerson face to face too. Remington'll be pissed if he finds out through Instagram and it'll be weeks before Emerson even sees it so." Sebastian said when they were back in the car.
"Sure. Let me find out if they're home." Bethany texted Remington. "He's says they are. Also we need to tell Panda and Juls face to face too."
"Then I guess that's where we'll go next."
"Actually before we tell anyone else we should tell my parents."
"Oh. Yeah. Okay." After checking to see if Bethany could FaceTime her parents they pulled into a parking lot and called them.
"Hey, Bean." Chris said when he answered.
"Hi, Daddy. Where's Mom?"
"She's comin'. Amy!"
"One second!" Was the reply. A few second slyer she joined Chris. "Hi, sweetie. Hi, Sebastian." Sebastian waved.
"So we have something to tell you guys." Bethany said, picking up one of the sonograms.
"Yeah?" Chris said, looking at Sebastian. Sebastian subtly shook his head. Bethany switched the camera view and held up one of the sonograms.
"Yeah. You guys are gonna be grandparents."
"Oh my gosh! Oh, honey that's wonderful! Congrats!" Amy gasped.
"Holy shit. Would you look at that." Chris said. Bethany switched the camera view back.
"I'm four weeks along. Due in February."
"I never expected you to have our first grandbaby, but fuck this is exciting." Chris grinned.
"Yeah it is!"
"When did our baby get old enough to have a baby of her own?" Amy asked Chris.
"Hell if I know." Amy did much the same as Stephanie had, offering advice and encouragement.


"So don't freak out, but you guys are gonna be uncles." Bethany said. Remington stared at her silently for a few seconds, seeming to process what she said. Emerson grinned and pulled them both into a hug.
"Congratulations guys!"
"Holy fuck!" Remington finally said. "That's awesome!" He gave them each a hug. "We need to celebrate this! How do we celebrate?"
"This is us celebrating. We're telling everyone. We can't stay too long 'cos we still gotta Panda and Juls." Bethany told him. Remington was bouncing with excitement and pacing the living room.
"Fucking crazy." Emerson muttered. Bethany nodded. Sebastian squeezed her hand.

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