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Sebastian and Bethany obviously.

I thought this might be fun. I'll answer in the next chapter and you can comment your answers here and we'll see the consensus. I'd love to know your answers!

So based on what you know of the characters so far:

1 - What is their favorite non sexual(they've never had sex, but still) activity to do together?

2 - who drives and who rides shotgun?

3 - sings along to the radio?

4 - who worries most?

5 - who always wants to take selfies with the other?

6 - who likes to playfully tease the other?

7 - who has the weirdest taste in music?

8 - who remembers what the other always orders at restaurants?

9 - who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?

10 - who tops?

11 - who initiates kisses?

12 - who reaches for the others hand first?

13 - who kisses hardest?

14 - who is most ticklish?

15 - who would bring an animal they found home?

16 - who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?

17 - who asks the weird, random questions in the middle of the night?

18 - who hogs the blankets?

19 - who wakes up first?

20 - who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?

21 - who makes the coffee in the morning?

22 - who says I love you first?(Not the night he said and she didn't know. That doesn't count.)

23 - who tells friends and family first?

24 - who is more likely to ask the other to dance?

25 - who cooks best?

26 - who uses cheesy pick lines?

27 - who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear at inappropriate times?

28 - who makes the other laugh most?

29 - who needs more reassurance?

30 - who would bail the other out of jail?

31 - what is their theme song?

32 - who would sing their child back to sleep?

33 - what do they do when they're away from each other?

34 - who reminds the other to take care of themselves?

35 - who is happier when their out in nature

36 - who plans a romantic date?

37 - who likes to play with the other's hair?

38 - who can't sleep without the other?

39 - who is too nice and will listen to the salesperson?

40 - who is the first to make a move to cuddle?

41 - what is their go to fast food place?

Leave you're answers and I'll leave mine in the next chapter.

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