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"Did you have a good winter break?" San asked as she walked into the dorm. She shut the door behind herself and sighed. "It's even warm in winter in Cali. I miss the snow."

"It snowed a bit where I was," I said. "It all turned to slush, though. I still had a good time. You?"

"Oh, it was great," she said. "I went to visit my grandparents, they're the sweetest, and they have these two cats, Mocha and Peppermint, and a turtle named Swanson, I love them."

"Aw, that sounds fun," I said. "I had a giggle fest with Brian on his bedroom floor, we couldn't stop laughing for a solid ten minutes. I swear, that gave me abs."

"The best kind of laughter," San joked. She sighed. "I met a girl... But she's straight."

"Aw, that sucks," I said. I shrugged. "I've never really been into guys or girls, to be honest."

"You probably just haven't found the right person, yet," San said. "It takes longer for some people."

"Yeah, I never thought Brian would end up with anyone since he's never been into anyone, or, not that I've known of, but I know everything about him, but when I visited him, he was talking about his new girlfriend, and I was happy for him, because he's never been with anyone before, because he's never been interested in anyone before," I said in a frenzied rush. "I mean, he hardly ever hangs out with anyone but me, so maybe that's why, we've never had time to have a crush on anyone, and we only ever hung out with each other."

"Slow down, there," San said, laughing just a bit. "You said a lot  in one breath, sis."

She gave me a strange look, like she knew something I didn't, but just smiled at me sweetly.

"Did you get any good gifts?" I asked. San nodded.

"Yeah, actually, my grandmother bought me this really nice sweater," she said, gesturing the sweater she was currently wearing. "I really like it. And you?"

"Bri got me this cute necklace," I said, showing it to her. "See, we used to race on our bikes a lot, and I'd make fun of him because his legs are so disproportionally long that he always had trouble getting on and off a bike. I'd always call him Mr. Legs."

"That's adorable," San said. "Oh, right. You know how dorms are only for college freshmen? I was thinking we could get an apartment, just the two of us, for the rest of school, y'know? It'd be easier than being alone, and we already know each other, so it wouldn't be as awkward as moving in with a whole new stranger."

"That sounds lovely," I said. "And we can keep the chore schedule."

"Exactly," San said. "Even though I know we still have the rest of the year."

"It's always good to plan for the future," I said, shrugging. "I mean, I've known I wanted to go to Chapman for years, even before most kids even knew what they wanted to be when they grew up."

"Well, that's certainly organized," San said with a laugh. "Ugh, I can't wait for summer break."

"Yeah," I said, sighing. "But lessons, lessons, lessons. There's so may lectures to get through first."

"Don't remind me," San muttered. "Not to mention finals."

"Don't you dare say the F word in my presence again," I joked. San giggled.

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