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Brian knocked on Anita's door. It opened after a few minutes, revealing her in just pajamas, half-asleep.

"Sorry," Brian said. "Did I wake you?"

"No," Anita said. "I woke up a few minutes ago. Why are you here, Bri? I thought you were taking some time for yourself since your best friend's visiting."

"I... Well, to be honest, I came here to break up with you," he said softly. Anita sighed.

"I had a feeling you might," she admitted. "I just didn't want to think you really would. Is it Y/n?"

"Huh?" Brian asked. Anita smiled sadly.

"Well, you and I never got along the way you and she do, according to your stories," she said. "There's something about the way you talk about her that made me realize you couldn't love me the same way. But I don't mind, Brian. If you're happy, I'm happy. I understands that she means a lot to you, and you mean a lot to me. I want you to be happy, and if that means you and I aren't together, so be it."

"I... Thanks," Brian said, a little dumbfounded. "Um... I really am sorry, Anita, I didn't mean to lead you on or anything."

"That's alright, Brian," Anita said. "I have tea on the stove, though, so I should get that. And, if I know you, you should get back to her. You said she was visiting this week, not next week, right?"

"Yeah," Brian said slowly. "Thanks, Anita."

"Yeah," she said quietly, closing the door as Brian walked away.

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