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I shut the car door behind myself and sighed, looking up at my old house. There was a For Sale sign out front. There was a Sold sticker pasted across the sign. I turned back around and got in my car, backed out of the driveway, then pulled up across the street. I got out of the car again and walked up to the door. The door was thrown open before I could even knock and I was pushed to the ground by an unstoppable mass of curly hair.

"Y/n!" He practically screeched.

"Jesus fuck! Get off of me," I said, rolling out from beneath him. He fell to the side so we were laying next to each other on the grass of his front lawn. I sighed. "Ok, what the fuck? A regular hug would've been fine."

"No! I had to knock you over," he joked. "Sorry. I'm just so excited to see you. How long has it been?"

"Way too long," I said. "At least a few years."

"Really? Fuck," Brian muttered.

"Well, I mean, I fucking graduated, Bri, were you expecting to me to say it's been a month?"

"I'm so sorry, Y/n," he said. "It's just... Band stuff. On top of uni stuff."

"It's fine, Bri," I said. "We're here now."

"Oh, right, the boys want to meet you," he said. "Come in."

"Oh, ouch, I need an invitation to enter your house, now?" I joked. He sighed.

"You little devil," he muttered. "You absolute rascal!"

He lunged at me and tickled my sides, making me shriek and fall to the floor. There was a crash from upstairs and three boys came running down the stairs.

"What the fuck was that scream?!" One of them screeched. I remembered hearing his voice over the phone before. Roger. "Oh. A girl."

"Is this Y/n?" One asked. I recognized his voice as Freddie. "She's pretty."

"She is," the other one said. I noticed what seemed like an extra shine in his eyes and I nearly fell speechless as Brian sighed and helped me up.

"Are you John?" I asked. He nodded. I looked at Brian. "He is cute."

John's face went red and he scampered up the stairs, disappearing to either Brian's room or Ruth and Harry's room. Freddie laughed.

"He is, isn't he?" He said. "Quite like a kitten."

"Brian says puppy," I said. "Shoot! I said I'd call San when I made it to Hampton."

"You know where the phone is, love," Brian said. I smiled and went upstairs, passing Freddie and Roger on the way.

"Damn," Roger muttered, clearly impressed.

"Eyes off, Rog," Brian scolded from downstairs. I passed Brian's parents' room and saw John sitting on the bed, smiling and still blushing. I made my way into Brian's room and picked up his phone, dialing San.

"What's up?"She asked tiredly.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot about the time difference,"I said, chuckling. "Did I wake you?"

"No, I've been awake all night," San said. "So, touched down in Hampton?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'm with Brian and his friends. The apartment alright?"

"Yep, everything's dandy," she said. "Just a bit lonely without you here."

"Aw," I said. "Well, I'll be back soon enough, sis. Just wanted to check in, but I should probably be getting back to Bri and his friends."

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