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"That's such a good song, Bri," I said, starstruck. "You wrote that for me?"

"Yeah," he said, chuckling. "I knew you'd like it."

He set the Red Special on the guitar stand in the corner of his room and joined me, sitting beside me on his bed. I sighed contently and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"You've always been so aware of your feelings," I said. "I didn't even know I loved you until you pointed it out."

"You just never know what your feelings are," he joked. "You've only got the basics down. Anything past that, you don't know what's going on."

"That's not true!" I protested. "I'm in touch with my feelings, too!"

"You never have been and you never will be," he teased. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. Brian grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down on the bed before straddling my hips, effectively pinning me down. "Let's test it, then. What feelings did doing that cause?"

"Confusion," I stated flatly. He softly collected both of my wrists and pinned them over my head.

"What about that?" He asked.

"Still confusion," I said. He sighed and let go of my hands. He sat upright, still straddling me, and took off his shirt.

"How about now?" He asked. Realization dawned on me.

"Oh," I said quietly. "You're planning to... And I'm..."

"Silly girl, it took you that long to figure it out?" He asked, smiling softly. He started undoing the buttons of his shirt that I was wearing. He sighed once it was open. "God, Y/n, you're more beautiful every day."

"Brian," I whispered, simply needing to feel his name roll off my tongue. "Take me, love, I'm all yours."

"My little angel," he cooed. I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought I was a little devil, good sir," I teased. Brian poked my cheek.

"You usually are," he said. "But as much as you act like one, you're an angel at heart. I know that, love. You may be stubborn, but you're really a big sweetheart, aren't you?"

"Only around you," I said, setting one hand on his hip. I let my fingers dance lightly along the top edge of his pants. His breath hitched as my fingers grazed his skin just an inch or two above where he wanted me.

"You do know what you're doing, right?" He asked me, a nervous edge in his voice.

"I'm a virgin, yeah, but I never forgot how good you tasted," I said. "I remember the things I did that you liked."

"Sure, you've blown me, but you've never done anything else," Brian said. "I just want to make sure you understand exactly what we're-"

"Relax, Brian," I said soothingly. "I know what we're doing, and I know it means a lot more now than it did with Christine or Anita. Well, from the way you're acting, I'm just assuming-"

"I did, yeah," Brian said. "But now I'm regretting it."

"Oh, Brian, you haven't broken up with Anita yet, have you?" I asked, sitting up and letting him get off of me.

"No, not yet," he said. "I should probably do that before you and I do anything like this, shouldn't I?"

"Yeah," I said. "I don't want to be the mistress."

"You're not-! Well, I guess you kind of are, aren't you?" He mumbled.

"Exactly," I said. "I'll be waiting here, you should do it in person."

"I can do it over the phone," Brian said, getting up off the bed.

"No, Brian," I said. "Do it in person. That way she knows you care enough to say it to her directly."

"Who thought you'd ever be the one telling me to do something and backing your reasoning with logic and facts," he teased.

"Just get going, Bri," I said, rolling my eyes. "I'll be here when you get back."

"Alright, fine," he said, bending down to kiss my cheek. He smiled at me. "And we can get back to this later, right?"

"Of course, Bri," I said. "Now get!"

I lightly shoved him towards the door and he laughed, picking his shirt up and putting it back on.

"I'll see you soon, love," he said, leaving my line of sight. I heard the front door open and close a minute later.

"I would never be a mistress," I said out loud. I walked out of Brian's room to get to Ruth and Harold's room. I grabbed Harry's 'secret' pack of cigarettes and grabbed three before putting it back and going downstairs. I snatched a lighter from the kitchen and went out to sit on the front porch. I lit myself a cig and put it between my lips. I coughed a little, then sighed, having not had a cigarette in a while. I saw John taking a walk down the street, and he stopped on the sidewalk in front of Brian's house.

"Oh, hey, Y/n!" He said happily. "May I join you?"

"Sure," I said, shrugging. "Bri's out. He's dumping Anita."

"For you?" John asked.

"Yeah," I said. I smiled to myself. "Yeah, for me."

"Y'know, he talks about you all the time," John said, sitting down next to me.

"Not surprising," I said, chuckling. "Y'know, with him being him, and all."

"So, I've heard a lot of stories," John said. "Are they all true?"

"Not all of them, but most of them," I said. "He likes to romanticize things."

"Ah," John said understandingly. "Can I snatch a cig?"

"Sure," I said, letting him take a cigarette. I lit the end for him, looking closely at the lighter. I laughed a little. "Oh my god, he..."

"Hm?" John hummed out lightly.

"Brian fucking stole my dad's lighter," I said. "This went missing before we even graduated high school."

"Well, does your dad want it back?" John joked.

"He probably doesn't even remember it," I said, shaking my head. I looked him up and down and grimaced. "Brian said you're kind of into me."

"I kind of am," John said. "But you're kind of into Brian, so you and I aren't ever going to be a thing. Probably."

"True enough," I said. "Sorry about giving you blueballs last night."

"You noticed?" He asked, nervously surprised.

"No, but Brian did," I said.

"Ah. Well. He knows me pretty well," he said with a soft chuckle. "He's seen it bare a few times."

"Ew!" I said, shoving him. He laughed.

"Sorry, sorry!" He said, flinching as I smacked his shoulder. "It's true, though!"

"Ah, well, I bet it is," I said, sighing. "Then again, what can I expect from a bunch of close guy friends?"

"Yeah, I guess," John said, shrugging. He sighed heavily.

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