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"Alright!" Roger cheered, nodding and giggling a little. "The secret's out, huh?"

"Shut up!" Freddie said, laughing. He turned to face me. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I said, crossing my arms. "Do your worst."

"What's the dirtiest thing you've done with Brian?" He asked. Brian flushed pink and hid his face behind his hands. "Oh? You've done something bad with each other, haven't you?!"

"Don't say it, Y/n," Brian whined, muffled by his hands.

"Sorry, what was that? Can't hear you," I teased. "I've given him a blowjob or two, he's eaten me out once or twice."

"Brian!" Roger said, playfully punching Bri's arm. "Thought you'd never been with a woman 'til Chrissy?"

"Well, we weren't together," Brian said. "Just... We were both really horny and a little drunk, okay?"

"Brian, truth or dare?" I asked. He glared at me for a long time and then sighed.

"Truth," he said.

"Boo! Boring!" Roger said loudly, giving Brian two thumbs down. "Fucking pussy!"

"Shut up, Roger!" Brian said. He looked me right in the eye.

"What's your favorite constellation?" I asked. Roger groaned loudly and Brian grinned.

"Atta girl, a nice question," he praised. Roger made a fake gagging noise. "To be honest, it's probably Libra."

"Boring question," Roger whined.

"Truth or dare, Roger?" Brian asked.

"Dare," Roger said. "I'm not a pussy, unlike some 'men' in this room."

"Ooh, ouch," Freddie snickered.

"I dare you to strip and make out with Freddie for three minutes," Brian said. Roger's smug grin disappeared as Freddie laughed loudly.

"I meant to say truth," Roger said quietly.

"Pussy!" I said, grabbing the pillow from the bed and hurling it at him. It hit him in the face.

Roger sighed and took off his shirt, then stood up to take off his pants, then sat back down and sighed again. He crawled over to Freddie, who was still very bemused. He took Roger's hands and set them on his shoulders, then they both moved in and went at it. Brian and I shared a look and tried to hold back our laughter. John was covering his eyes.

"Alright, three minutes is up," Brian said. The two broke apart, Freddie still finding it funny, Roger looking defeated.

"John, truth or dare?" Roger asked.

"Truth," he said.

"What's your biggest kink?" Roger asked. John's face flushed a deep red.

"I-I meant to say dare," he said.

"Okay, well," Roger started. "I dare you to tell us your biggest kink."

John took a deep breath and glanced at each of us in turn.

"I-I like being called Daddy," he muttered. "And I love restraining my partner and making her beg for it. And I like-"

"Woah, we only wanted one, cowboy," Roger said quickly, realizing that John's list could go on and on. "Wow. Fuckin' kinky bitch."

"Freddie, truth or dare?" John asked.

"Dare," Freddie said. "Alright, shoot."

"I dare you to strip and make out with Roger for three minutes," John said.

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