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"Are you going to be able to visit?"

"Sorry," I said. "My university offers optional summer courses, and I really think I should take them, Bri, I'm terribly sorry."

"It's alright, I was about to spring it on you that I can't either," he said. "My band is touring, I can't keep myself together."

"You and Tim found a drummer?" I asked. Brian cleared his throat.

"Yeah, his name's Roger," Brian said. "But Tim bailed, but Roger's flatmate Freddie's our new singer, but he didn't play bass, so we went through several bassists, but they were all asses until we found John."

"So, John's not an ass," I said. "Tell me more."

"He's actually quite adorable," Brian said with a light chuckle. "He's younger than the rest of us. He's four years younger than me, two younger than Rog, five younger than Freddie. He's just so innocent-seeming and sweet, he's a bit like a puppy."

"Aw," I said. "So, you're touring?"

"Yeah, and I think we're on a path to something great," he said. "I can feel it. It's like- Huh? Sure. Sorry, Y/n, I've got to go. Love you! See you, little devil."

Brian hung up before I had a chance to respond.

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