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Dear Bri,

I'm sending this to your parents' house, since you're touring and I don't know where else you'll be. San and I are moving into a flat together, so the dorm address is a no-go. We'll be at XXXX 72nd Avenue, XXXXXX, California. The summer courses I decided to take were pretty boring, and I wish we'd had time to visit each other instead. You should come see me in the states sometime.

Love, Y/n


Darling Y/n,

Sorry! I meant to write you back ages ago, but the band's been so busy. The record I sent you? That's us. Can you believe it? We're putting out records, love, we're going to make it far. We're called Queen, and I want you to know that we're planning great things for ourselves, love. Of course, that means being really busy. I'll visit when I have the chance, love, I promise. I just don't know when that will be.

Sincerely, Brian


Dear Bri,

That record was fucking amazing!

Love, Y/n


Darling Y/n,

Thanks, love! Call me, I need your advice, little devil.

Sincerely, Brian

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