Chapter 6: Blackpool

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John's POV:

The doorbell rang and it took less than a second until my mother opened the door and invited me in, I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled widely! I was really happy to spent some time with my mother. I loved her really. She wasn't a mother for me, she was more like a friend.

"Ready for Blackpool, John?"

I smirked and nodded quickly "Readier than ready!" We both chuckled loudly and she drove in a fast tempo to Blackpool.

"So Johnny boy, today will be fun!" She smiled from ear to ear as she took my hand and we run together through the streets of Blackpool. Looking at all of the stands from the fair. It was marvelous great! I won a huge Teddy bear. I Looked at the stuffed animal with a huge grin on my face. Like a little child at Christmas. I didn't know why. but I wanted to give the bear Jade. she would probably dislike it and would laugh at me. I just wanted to see her surprised face when I, John Lennon, would give her a freaking Teddy Bear.

My mum noticed my cheeky grin and interrupted my thoughts with ruffling my hair. "Oh is there someone happy? I didn't know that you could become so happy if you would win a Teddy Bear." She smirked.

"Shh Mum. I actually don't want to keep the thing for myself. I want to give it someone special." I blushed a little as I noticed what I was saying. Jade isn't something special. Okay, yeah, she is a very special girl. But not for me.

"Awwe is my little Johnny boy in love?"

"For God's sake. No! Mum, oh my. Stop it!" I laughed loudly. Me and Jade? That would never work out. We're just... huh? We just met and I.. Erm? We're just too much of the same person and this could be very very difficult. I just don't like her that way.

"I'd totally say the same if I were you. Tell me something about her. How is she?" "What if we talk about it in the pub over there?" She smiled and nodded. Although I'm just seventeen she allows me to go to pubs and all. we went to the pub and immediately my mum sang to the song which was played on the jukebox. She took my hand and I spun her around dancing to the newest RockNRoll hit from Little Richard. After the song we both took our seats. A bit out of breathe my mother ordered us two beers.

"so and now tell me about this bird of yours?"

I rolled my eyes taking a sip from the bottle. "Well, I just met her today. She is new in my school, Jade is her name by the way. She moved here from London." My mum nodded while listening. "Tell me more, John! I want to know everything."

"I already told you all I know? what do you want to know else?"

"As if this would be all you know. How does she look like? Does she like RockNRoll? if she does then you have to keep her!"

"You're so curious mum! She has got brown, almost dark blonde hair, combed to one side. And she has got the most greenest eyes I've ever seen. Yeah she likes RockNRoll, she even plays the guitar. she is a little Teddy girl I suppose."

"Awwe a teddy bear for a teddy girl! Cute! so she plays the guitar? maybe you can ask her if she wants to jam with you!"

"I actually did asked her. I'll meet her tomorrow. But mum, you must know, I don't like her that way. we're just friends. And I don't fall in love with a girl I jut know for one single day! So stop it mom!" I tried to explain but I think that my mother was still head over heels that her little Johnny has got a girl! "That's what I said as I was in your age and was the first time really in love." I rolled my eyes. Why should I be in love with Jade? My mom can be really annoying I just assumed.

"stop it now, please! So have you something heard about the new Chuck Berry album?" I tried to change the theme and soon we were in a conversation about our favorite musicians, like Little Richard, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly and all the famous rocker.

Soon the evening ended and I fall in my bed, the teddy bear next to me. I was almost asleep as my aunt Mimi came in. You could tell that she was angry. She doesn't like it when I make things with my mum. Don't ask me why. I think she hates her. But she should love her. She is her bloody sister.

"Where have you been, John? And please don't say to me you were with Julia again."

"Mimi, it's my thing when I do something with my mother, isn't it? I'm almost 18, you don't have to tell me with whom I'm allowed to hang out and with whom not!"

"That's exactly the reason. You're ALMOST 18! I don't want that you'll ever see her again! And another thing, John! The school called me today! You skipped school again!! John, I'm so disappointed! You know what? Tomorrow you'll go to school and I will take care that you don't skip school again. That means I will wait in front of the school so you can't run away!"

I suddenly became so angry! She can't do that. It's my fucking life. What does she have against my mother that she don't even allow me to see her?? I clinched a fist, but quickly relaxed my hand again. And then Jade came in my mind. I wanted to meet her tomorrow. Could I tell Mimi that? she would surely become even angrier if I'd tell her that I want to play the bloody guitar with a bloody girl tomorrow. She hated it when I played guitar or when I was with girls... I wrapped the blanket around me tightly and closed my eyes. I just wanted to be alone now. I grumpily said to Mimi "Alright, good night!"

"No John! We're talking now!! But if you act like that I think I have to take that with me" She grabbed my guitar and go out of my room. Immediately I jumped out of my bed and yelled at her.

"Mimi!! No, you can't!! I-I!! Ughhh!!!!" I closed the door angrily so it made a loud bang, I leaned against the door and mumbled the last words.

"I fucking hate you, Mimi!"


oh yes baby! Drama!! I love drama so deal with it! At least I updated wattpad so be happy ;) AND I think I will update now more, because I've got plenty of time now! I hope you aren't mad at me because Jade isn't in this chapter! But I actually liked writing this although I'm not really proud! :D anyway it would mean a lot if you would vote, comment or even share the story! :)

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