Chapter 7: Strange feelings

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John's POV:

I shook my head and fall down on the bed. My head facing the sheets. I looked up at the huge teddy bear with anger in my face. I didn't know what I should do. Mimi was so mean and it pissed me so off! I wanted to see Jade again. Looking in her deep green eyes. I wanted to see how she'll react when I would give her the teddy bear. Hearing her laughing at me. My thoughts stayed like this. I just could think about her and how I let her down, because I can't see her tomorrow although I promised it to her! But after a while my eyes were becoming tired and I just tried to sleep.

"You're late, John! Get dressed now or I will drive you naked to school. I give you 5 minutes and then you sit in the car. Have you listened?" I groaned loudly. Wow what a nice way to wake up. I remembered the argument with her and I decided to hurry just to avoid another problems with her. Why is she so angry at me? I haven't done anything wrong, have I? I shook my head and grabbed my clothes and locked the bathroom door behind me. After exactly 4 minutes I was finished. I looked like a prick because I just had 4 minutes to get me ready but it was okay. I looked at the huge teddy bear and sighed. How I wished that I could see Jade at least in school today. But I simply knew that she was skipping. Maybe she wanted to explore the town. And now I couldn't even join her... Or she even waited for me so we can do the jam session.

I made my way downstairs to see a waiting Mimi. "5 minutes, like ya told me!" She let out a small smile and drove me to school.

Jade's POV:

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock next to my bed. 10:15am. Luckily my parents had to work since 7 am so they didn't notice that I was skipping school. Again. I decided to continue to sleep, because I was still so tired. I was the whole night out and explored the town all by myself. Not very nice, I have to admit. Maybe I just have seen the wrong places and John could show me better ones. Like Strawberry Fields.

John! Oh no, we wanted to play the guitar together today. Shit, I'm probably way too late. I quickly jumped out of the bed and grabbed me clothes. After less than 15 minutes I was fully dressed and had a decent make-up on. John shouldn't see me when I just stood up. Nobody should see me like that. I decided to grab my guitar already to tune it. After that I waited for him, and waited and waited and waited. Where the fuck was John? I thought he wanted to see me here. Hmm maybe he has forgotten it and he waits at Strawberry Fields for me. So I grab my guitar and drove with my bicycle to Strawberry Fields. But again: No John! I let out a loud frustrating sigh and sat down under the tree we had been sitting yesterday. We! The Teddyboy and the Teddygirl.

John's POV:

I bit on my pen hard, I haven't focused on the lessons, since I know that Mimi doesn't wait or me in front of the school. So I doodled a bit not really realizing that I doodled me and Jade together, playing guitar together. Why was I even drawing this? Suddenly the teacher, I didn't even know his name, has snapped my paper away and stared at it for a while. He looked at me with anger in his face, and shook his head. "wow Lennon, we see us today for the first time in at least one month since the school began and now you don't even listen to me and just draw this thing?" He went to his desk and put the drawing in the drawer of the desk, and came back with a ruler in his hands. He hit my fingers with the ruler, making them bleed slightly. "Ouch!" I stood up, clinching a fist. But I couldn't hit him, I simply couldn't. I don't even know why but I simply was afraid.

Luckily no fight started and we both calm down after a while. After the lesson he grabbed his stuff and made his way out of the classroom.

I heard a whistling behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to one of my class members.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"This was a drawing of you and your love, wasn't it?" The boy asked cheekily.

"No it wasn't! I don't have a girlfriend, although I could have any bird I want and you are probably still a virgin. So just shut up."

"Oh and what is about the new girl here? How was her name again?"

I opened my mouth to explain to him how she is not my girlfriend, but the boy next to him interrupt me.

"Jade is her name! And don't tell us that you both aren't together. I've seen you holding hands together and then you both went to the toilet. Together! I bet you two had a quickie there"

I became even angrier than before and grabbed the young boy on his collar of his shirt, I pushed him against the wall hard.

"Listen, we aren't together!! And stop talking to me like this. I don't like Jade, okay? Just get over it!"

"If you really don't love her you wouldn't react like that!"

A small smirk was on his face. Then it happened. I hit his stomach with all of my power. He immediately fall on the ground and caught for breath. I stood there in shock and after a short moment I ran out of the room, in direction toilet. I opened the window and jumped out. I leaned against the wall and light me a cigarette to calm down. what have I done? I took a long drag and blowed the smoke out of my nose.

"Mr Lennon, shouldn't you be in class right now." A familiar voice asked suddenly. I looked around to see Mr Greenie.

"No not really, I'm taking a break!"

"A break? Do you mean you want to skip again!"

I shook my head, not really knowing what to say. Of course I wanted to skip, I wanted to see Jade again.

"Erm no of course not!"


"Okay, you're right Greenie. I want to see someone again."

"Jade, right? You seem to like her, Lennon!"

"No I don't, Mister Greenfield!!" I yelled a bit.

"Wow, that's the first time in 4 years that you call me with my right name."

"Really, 4 years? It feels like yesterday that I came in your classroom.. Wow that's a lot!"

We both chuckled.

"But I think she likes you back. What about you go to her now and I will say that you felt sick and went home? Go and get her, I totally understand you."

A huge grin curved on my thin lips. A day off of school when your TEACHER allows should be interesting.

And of course I could see Jade.

So I made my way towards Strawberry Fields.

Jade's POV:

Wow, John has just left me like a worthless piece of shit? What was he even doing. I stopped thinking about him and played and singed along with my guitar. Nobody was out on the streets right now which was really good. I needed some time alone. But suddenly I saw someone. Wait. Not someone. John! I jumped up and I felt that my heart beating became a whole faster. Why was my heart even doing this? Ah I just sat down again and acted like I was a bit pissed off at him.

"Hey Jade, Erm sorry for letting you down. My aunt Mimi.. well, it's a long story and the end of the story is that she took my guitar. Bitch"

He sighed a bit as he sat down next to me.

"Oh, Alright. I understand. Well, as you were away I practiced Johnny B.Good, wanna hear?"

He nodded and so I started to play and sing along with the guitar chords. I looked up at him as I was finished.

"Wait, Jade, ya made a mistake there. Erm.. Let me help ya."

Then something really strange happened, he sat down behind me and grabbed my fingers to place them at the right position. I turned my head as I tried to play the chord correctly.

"Like that?" He slowly nodded as he leaned closer to me. What was he trying to do? I shut my eyes closed as I felt his lips against mine, my heart beaded fast in my chest. I laid down the guitar next to me and he wrapped his arms around my neck to deepen the kiss. The best kiss in my whole life.


Haha sorry for this bad and late chapter but I accidentally deleted the chapter. -.- and I was so pissed off then so I wrote a shit. Well at least they kissed and You aren't mad at me, because of this bs chapter. happy belated birthday John! <3

And please vote comment share whatever. I think about deleting this chapter anyway

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