Chapter 8: Pretending may be a solution

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John's POV:

I began to slowly caress her soft cheek while I kissed her even softer lips. There beneath the big tree at one of my favorite places of Liverpool. Jade seemed to enjoy the kiss so I turned my head and slowly licked her bottom lip. Begging for entrance in her mouth. I hope I haven't rushed the things. Actually, I didn't, because she slowly opened her mouth so I Could Shove my tongue inside of it. I rest my tongue on hers and let out a soft moan. Wow... She was a magnificent kisser. One of the best, I'd say. God damn it... My heart was beating so fast in my chest. I couldn't even control myself.

Jade's POV:

I didn't expect it that he would go so far. But actually I enjoyed it a whole lot. Sadly, he pulled exactly in that moment, where I wanted to play a little bit with his tongue, slowly away. His hazel eyes staring right in my green ones.
"Wow..." We both mumbled at the same time. We both let out a small chuckle, because we two...Well, we two. We are simply so similar!
Then I suddenly realized that I just kissed a boy the second time we saw each other. Wow, this is fast?! I looked up at the rising sun and thought about it a lot. John looked at the ground. This awkward silence broke out. We were like this for what seemed like hours. Nobody of us even tried to look at the other one. The only thing you could hear were the cheeping birds, who were rather annoying to be quite honest.
"Well then, do ya like Liverpool so far?"
What that was really the only thing, which came John in his mind, to break the silence?
I simply nodded and he nodded back.
Another few minutes of silence.
"Well, I have to go. See ya tomorrow." He stood up, already wanted to leave.
"John wait!"
"Wait for what?"
"N-nothing, actually.."
"See ya, Jade"
"Ah, I thought you were one of these cool guys, with whom you can make the town unsafe. Liverpool is so boring. You, too."
"'Ey! This isn't true, you little swine! I'm one of the coolest guys all over the world, y'know." We both chuckled.
"Okay, okay alright. Prove it to me!" I grinned cheekily, which John just caused to raise his eyebrow in confusion.
"What do ya mean?"
"Well, if you don't know what I mean, it's official proved that you are lame as fuck."

"Oh and by the way, I see that you're rolling my eyes at me!" I chuckled and then he couldn't help himself and laughed as well.
"God damn it, I barely know ya, but ya already annoy the shit outta me."

A warm ironic smile appeared on my lips.
"Awee thank you, I'll take this as a compliment."
"It is! Well, but I may know something what could....."
Suddenly we two were interrupted by a yelling boy, maybe one year younger then John and I.
"I KNEW IT!! Now you can't say that you two aren't dating, Lennon! I've seen it! I've seen you kissing!!"
He has probably hidden behind another tree and he has probably followed John.
I looked over to John. I was quite confused by his reaction. He looked at the other boy with an impression of mayor anger. He clinched his fist. I almost thought he's going to run over to the other one and beat him up.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP", he brought finally out.
The boy understood that John was really angry, I didn't know why, so he decided to leave.
"What was that?" I finally asked John, who still seemed really angry.
"It's just a little faggot from my school, who thinks I'm dating you."
"Oh okay." I acted like I'd understood what he said and looked down at the ground.
"Well, then please explain me why you're so angry at him. I mean, let him be a dumb ass faggot, who thinks we two are dating. But where specific is the problem, John?"
"Nothing at all. Really, I do like ya, but first not in that way and second it would totally ruin my image. I don't date girls."
"So you're queer? Cool, I always wanted a gay best friend."
I couldn't help myself but had to chuckle at that. I knew what he meant.
"Nooo, are ya stupid? I ain't queer. I like tits, I swear."
I simply nodded with a slight grin on my face, which let him smile in relief.
"But it's funny how everyone thinks that we two are dating, don't you think so?" I added finally. "I'm here in Liverpool for 2 days and I'm already dating the most notorious boy of the town. I'm proud of me."
"Ya aren't dating me though. Y'know that, don't ya?"
I rolled my eyes and nodded. Then it became quiet for a while.

"But wait", Suddenly came out from my mouth. "That may sound stupid at all, but I think it's hilarious how everyone thinks I'm dating you. so why not?"
"Oh gosh no, I'm not willing to take Ya out. Forget 'that."
I couldn't help myself but chuckled loudly.
"Don't worry, John. I do not think that I'll ever fall in love with you."
He raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Then what do ya want?"
"Let's pretend like we are dating. Let's be all cuddly snuggly in front of others, but then just be friends."
"Some sort of like friends with benefits just without the sex, Jade?"
"I wouldn't say without the sex."
he thought about it what seemed to be forever. I don't know why I thought it was such a great plan, but I was rather thrilled to look at all those jealous bitches, who would die to date him.
Additionally, I think that John knows some cool Liverpudlian guys. He could easily introduce me to them. I want to make new friends here.
I mean I like John at all, but I don't know. I just want to get more experienced with others and although John is sort of like me, I think he could become boring after a while. Don't ask me why.
I shook my head, as I heard him talking and complaining.
I cut him off, trying to explain why it's such a good idea.
"If you don't want, fine. But just think about it. Wasn't it always an adventuring thrill to cheat on someone for you? With a girlfriend on your side the most pervert girls will come, willing to make something dangerous with you. Just think about it like that. Also, we won't feel anything so nobody gets hurt."
After a short moment he finally agreed.
"I advise you, not to say 'I love you'! Never!"
I stared at him in disbelief and then just loud laughter left my throat. I even snorted.
"Oh no, don't worry about that. You know another advantage for pretending we would date? It will become boring for those little moron to continue bothering us."
"The way ya talk about this stuff and the way yer daring me to date you. Even if it's just pretended. Makes me thing, that you've developed a little crush on me."
I just rolled my eyes.
"I don't have a crush on you. Not in a million years. But I like this idea."
He nodded but I've seen that he just tried to hide a smile.
Then he literally gazed right in my eyes.
He bend down on his right knee, grabbing my hand. He looked around, so I did the same and I noticed that a few kids from our school have been watching us.
"Do ya, Jade Lester, want to be me pretended date?" Then he whispered "Don't you dare to roll your eyes at me again and just kiss me."
I quickly nodded enthusiastically, and pecked his lips quickly. A small giggle was hearable in the direction of the kids. I glared at them, so did John.
"Swines..."John mumbled to himself, then I had to giggle.
"By the way, I like this friends with benefits thing."
"I though you would like it. I'm full of good ideas, you must know, Johnny boy"
My lips curved into a smirk. I grabbed me a cig and lighted it, instantly I gave John a cigarette too. He thanked me with a kiss on a cheek. I hate to admit it, but I blushed at that.
"So since we're dating, I guess we two will have a nice shag as well, won't we?" He said as he took a drag from his ciggie, sliding his hand through his greased hair.
Suddenly, I found it quite strange that we just change from one second to the other to be boy-and girlfriend. I haven't mind it at all. It's just pretended anyway. Luckily.
"We won't fuck anytime too soon. I don't wanna shatter your world, because I'm so good that you just can't help yourself but fall in love with me!"
"Dream on, Lester. I'm not that bad myself. Actually I'm pretty great."
I rolled my eyes. "Do not compliment yourself too much."
"Same goes to ya, love." He winked at me.
We noticed that the kids still were there. John leaned to my ear, whispering. "Let's shock those little kids.."
Before I could ask 'how' he wrapped his arm around my waist, which let my skin tingle a little. Being this close to someone is an incredible feeling. I've done much more than that. But it's still one of the best feelings. We went straight to the street, where the little kids around the age of like 10, some of them around 13 played and watched us. John smirked, what let him look god damn sexy. I knew exactly what I did so I wrapped my arms around his neck. He crashed his lips onto mine, we both tilted our heads to the right. His hand slid under my shirt. He let it rest on my waist. I licked his bottom lip, begging for an entrance so he opened his mouth. I literally sucked on his tongue, causing him to moan loudly. I tingled my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss as I slid his tongue inside of my mouth, which let me moan. I glanced over at the kids. Their jaws dropped to the ground. Some covering their eyes. Gosh, this made fun.
John played with my tongue, he rubbed his hand up and down on my back. It felt incredible.
Suddenly I noticed that he was hooking at my bra. I slowly pulled away and before I could tell him to stop he cut me off. "Can we go to yours?"

A/N: Lol after thousand years finally an update. Sorry but I was too lazy to be honest. I try to update more in 2015, but the chapters will probably become shorter. I actually have no clue where this is going. I just write random things, which just plop into my mind.
So criticize, ideas and compliments would be gladly appreciated and I'd love you forever!
Thanks for reading! :)

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