Chapter one: Our carrot baby.

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Gun Pov:

Sahwahdeekhrap. My name is Gun Atthaphan. You can call me gun. Anyway I'm really excited because today me and papi (Gun give Off a nickname, Papi) are going to Korea to shoot a scene in Theory of love.

What scene you may ask... Its the scene where third and Kai have their kiss. I'm so excited that I could barely think about anything else. I've been daydreaming the moment my lips are going to touch his soft lips.

Of course I kiss around and a hug Papi all the time. However, he never lets me kiss anywhere else other than his neck and cheek. Am I disappointed? Of course I am! But it's okay as long as I see him.

I'm even thankful that he lets me touch him. He doesn't like when people touch him. Hack, he didn't even like me touching him at first, but I never listen to him so now hes used to me.

I have the biggest crush on him ever since we started "puppy honey" And that's one of my biggest secret... Well... my best friend New knows.

I once tried to confess my feelings to papi but I got too nervous Overthinking. What if he rejects me?
What if things starts getting awkward? What if he avoids me? And that's one of my problem...I overthink too much.

Anyway, right now I'm on my way to the airport. Just thinking about sitting next to him on the plane gives me the butterflies in my stomach.

I finally reach to the airport and I see a full-course meal front of me. His wearing a blue hoodie and a black ripped jeans. Oh my God he's hot.

"Oi gun! Wipe your drool" I hear someone call my name.

I turn around to see no one other than my best friend New.

"Is it that hard to control yourself?" he said while teasing at me.

"I mean... have you looked at him? How can I not drool over a hot meal like that?"

We both then walked toward the group of people waiting for the plane. I then went up to Papi and hugged him and then kissed him on the neck.

"I'm so excited to go to Korea" I said.

He was typing in his phone. Again! He didn't even look at me and said

"Hmmm... me too"

Agggg... he's typing again. Well... I was not going to let this ruin my mood. I wrap my arms around him and then we all walk toward the plane.

I take the window seat and of course I'm sitting next to papi! There is an empty seat beside Papi and we put our baby carrot there. P'Godji doesn't like us sitting next to strangers because she's afraid it could be a crazy fan.

 P'Godji doesn't like us sitting next to strangers because she's afraid it could be a crazy fan

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New and Tay are sitting behind us. They also have a fan meeting in Korea. I look over my sit and see New holding Tay's hand and sleeping on Tay's shoulder. Tay also Rested his head in New's. As much as I Roll my eyes seeing this... I have to admit... they're so cute together.

I look at Papi and he's typing in his phone again. I tried to see who's he texting but he turns his phone away.

This been happening for the past few months. Before whenever I was bored,  I would always take papi's phone and start playing on it. He didn't mind. I even knew his password, but for the past few months, he wouldn't let me touch his phone and he even changed his password. Is he hiding something for me? Does he have a girlfriend? But then... why is he hiding it from me?
Oh no no no! Stop stop stop! I'm overthinking again! I need to stop Overthinking...

And like that, I grab paip's hand and rest my head in his shoulder. I hold his arm and like that... I fall asleep. Smiling from ear-to-ear.

So what that did you think?
Sorry if this chapter was a bit boring... I just needed to get the introduction started. Next chapter will be way better.!

Q:What is your favorite ship?

For me its Offgun and jikook.

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