Chapter 4: "What happened?"

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Author's POV:

Off was staring at gun the whole time as Gun was reading the script. He was so confused to what was going on.

"Oi Off and Gun , Get on the set." Called out the director.

Off and gun both walked to the sat.
Every time Off and Gun made eye contact, Gun would just smile... Usually Off liked when Gun smiled, however this time something feels off...

"Ok take one. Anddddd action!"

Gun started kissing Off. It was so perfect that they only had to do one take. Usually gun would purposely mess up the kiss so he could do it all over again...but this time, Gun just wanted to get this over with.

Some how Off felt disappointed. He didn't want to admit, but he kind of wanted to kiss Gun again...

After they were done filming the kiss scene, Gun just left... without saying a word. This made Off kind of mad. Usually Gun would hug Off after a kiss like that.

For the entire day, Gun was trying his best to avoid Off. When Off tried to come up and start a conversation, Gun would just say 'yes' or 'no', which made it impossible for Off to even start a conversation.

Off now knew something was wrong. This was not Gun... Gun would usually go around the building making everyone smile... but today, he just sat there. This made Off more Pissed!

The next few days were the same. Gun would not hug or kiss Off... he would try his best to avoid Off, which made Off finlly lose his patient.

Gun was reading the script when he felt someone pull him hard. It was Off.

Off dragged him into an empty room.
He slammed the door and locked it. He then pushed Gun into the wall and gave Gun a cold stare, which made gun scared.

"What the fuck happened?! Why are you ignoring me?! Did I do something wrong?!" Off started yelling.

Gun was still trying to avoid making eye contact with Off, which drove Off even more crazy.

Off then Puts  his two arms on the wall, trying to corner Gun. He then brought his face so close to Gun's face that they were only few centimeters away.

"Look at me." He said in a low voice.

Gun still didn't look at him...


Gun looked at Off who seems like about to cry...

"Now tell me what happened?"

Gun bit his tongue and was trying hard not to cry. He finally put up a big fake smile and replied.

"Nothing P'Off... I was not trying to avoid you. I guess I feel a bit homesick. Thats all"

Again with the same bullshit. Every time Gun said 'P'Off', it made Off even more pissed. Also Off does not buy that gun is sick. He knows something is wrong. He was about to ask more question when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Off then realized the position he was in. He quickly backed off and opens the door before slamming it hard.

New then walks in.

"What happened? "

"Nothing..." Gun replied

"Are you sure? Off look so pissed when he stormed out of the room"

"You know how he is... he's always like that." Gun answered back.

New decided not to ask any further question, because gun was right. Off always looked pissed.

"Why are you here New?"

"Ohhhhh... I have a surprise for you. Somebody is here to see you!" Answered new excitedly.


Before gun was about Ask who, New  pulled him outside the building.

When gun want outside... he saw a back of a man. It look familiar. The man then suddenly turns and it was...

"OAB!" gun screamed.

"GUN! " yelled back Oab.

They both ran toward each other. Oab hugged gun so fast that it lifted gun off the ground and now Oab was spinning around in a circle with gun in his arms.

Off was also there... He saw everything!

What did you guys think? We finally got up Oab here. I am so excited for the next chapter. I'll try to post after I come back from school.

Q: what's your favorite subject in school?

For me its E.L.A because i love reading and writing. Even though I'm terrible at spelling.

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