Chapter 8 : "Gun... I Didn't Mean that."

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Author POV:

The next three days in Korea were quiet.

Gun and Oab went out to look around Korea, meanwhile Off didn't feel well so he stayed home all day, which made him even feel more sick.

Off was still heartbroken from what Gun said.

Finally, soon the day came when they  go back to Thailand.

Everyone has arrived at the airport, including Oab. He's alsi going with them to Thailand.

Off soon arrived.

"Shit! What happened to you? You look like a raccoon" New laughed while looking at Off.

"Shut up before I shove these bags into your mouth!"

"Whoa whoa whoa. You would have to go through me first". Said Tay as  he placed his arm around New.

Off just rolled his eyes. He suddenly looked at Gun who was standing next to... Oab.

"What is he doing here?" Off asked to New and Tay.

"He's going to visit Thailand and stay there for a while." New replied.

Off just rolled his eyes and pushed through everyone to enter the plane.

He didn't want to admit it but he was hoping Gun would come and sit next to him... So he waited, But Gun was not there.

Off looked up to see where Gun was and of course, he was not surprised when he saw Gun sitting next to Oab. Instead he felt hart.

He just sat back and hoped for this plane ride to be over soon.

Back in Thailand:

Gun POV:

Finally! Home sweet home.

I'm excited that Oab came back with us in Thailand. I didn't I want to keep him waiting from meeting his family, so he went First.

I was waiting for a taxi when I suddenly hear someone honking their car.

I look around and I see a black car.

"Get in!"

It was P'Off.

I didn't want to get in because I was afraid of sitting so close to him. What if I can't handle and burst out crying.


He scared me. He's been acting strange for the past few days. Sometimes he tries acting nice to me and then he just yells at me and looks so pissed.

I get into the car.

"Where are we going P'? "

"My place." he replied.

What... I can't do that. I've been trying my best to avoid him until I'm able to control my heart. The more close I get to him, I feel like I'm more closer to revealing what I heard.

"Its ok P'. I'll just stay in the hotel for few todays."

I live at my house, but there are some electrocution problem going on so I have to stay at a hotel.

He didn't say anything, he just drove the car.

It was silence and so fucking awkward. I pretended that I was asleep but I guess he didn't buy it since he asked me a question.

"So... How long will Oab stay here for?"

"Ummmm... 1 month P' "

"Are you and him... getting back together? "

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